sybsystemprocssp_ddlgen_permissions  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     /*
3     ** sp_ddlgen_permissions
4     **
5     **	Common sproc to implement permissions checking for all DDL gen commands.
6     **	For now we implement a simple rule that user has to have 'sa_role' to
7     **	generate DDL. In future if/when object-level DDL generation is allowed,
8     **	we have to make this permission checking more flexible by pushing it
9     **	into each @objtype-DDL-generating sproc.
10    **
11    ** Object-type specific permission checks:
12    **
13    **  database:
14    **	. If wild-cards are used for @objname, need sa_role privilege.
15    **	  (This can probably be improved in the future to allow DBO of a
16    **	   set of dbs named 'mydb%' to run this sproc w/o sa_role.)
17    **	. If a single-db name is provided, you need either sa_role or DBO.
18    **
19    ** Parameters:
20    **	@objtype	- Type of object for which DDL is being generated.
21    **	@objname	- Name of the object.
22    **
23    ** Returns:
24    **	0		- Permissions failed.
25    **	Non-zero	- Otherwise.
26    */
27    create procedure sp_ddlgen_permissions(
28        @objtype varchar(30)
29        , @objname varchar(30)
30    ) as
31        begin
32            declare @is_dbo int
33                , @procname varchar(45)
34                , @lcl_sarole int
35                , @status3 int
36                , @stat3_tempdb int
37                , @suid int
38                , @dummy int
39                , @sdc_local_temp_db int
41            select @is_dbo = 0
42            select @sdc_local_temp_db = 0
44            select @stat3_tempdb = number
45            from master.dbo.spt_values
46            where type = "D3"
47                and name = "TEMPDB STATUS MASK"
49            -- Find whether the user has sa_role or not. --
50            /*
51            ** Why do not we use proc_role("sa_role") to achieve this?
52            ** The function proc_role(), when executed by a user with
53            ** no sa_role/sso_role prints error message which is
54            ** not desired in our case. Fortunately show_role() doesn't
55            ** do such mischief. Hence, this not-so-straightforward
56            ** way of finding it.
57            */
58            select @lcl_sarole = charindex("sa_role", show_role())
60            if (@objtype = 'database')
61            begin
62                -- If dbname w/o patterns was specified, check if user is
63                -- DBO. This DBO check has to be carefully done in case of
64                -- local user/system temp db in sdc, which can be followed
65                -- from the pseudo code flow shown here.
66                --
67                -- if (single-database)
68                -- {
69                --	/* Special handling for local-temp-db */
70                --	if (sdc-mode and local-temp-db)
71                --	{
72                --		if (user_has_sa_role)
73                --			pass permission;
74                --
75                --		else if (current user is dbo of this db)
76                --			pass permission;
77                --
78                --		else
79                --		{
80                --			call sp_is_dbo;
81                --			/* 
82                --			** The above call is multi-purpose
83                --			** call. What it does
84                --			** if (database_is_inaccessible)
85                --			** {
86                --			**	Error out.
87                --			** }
88                --			** else 
89                --			** {
90                --			**	Check whether the user is 
91                --			**	dbo taking into consideration,
92                --			**	the aliased dbo too.			
93                --			** }
94                --			*/
95                --
96                --			if (not dbo)
97                --				raise the error 17230
98                --		}
99                --	}
100               --	else /* Normal handling*/
101               --	{
102               --		/* check if the user is_dbo */
103               --		call sp_is_dbo;
104               --
105               --		if (not dbo)
106               --			raise the error 17230
107               --	}
108               -- }
109               -- else /* multiple databases specified with wild-card */
110               -- {
111               --	/* It can be executed only by sa_role-user */
112               --
113               -- 	if (user_has_sa_role)
114               --		pass permission;
115               --
116               --	else
117               --		do not pass permission;
118               --		raise the error 567
119               -- }
120               --
121               -- Thus, the procedure ends.
122               --
123               if (@lcl_sarole > 0)
124               begin
125                   return 1
126               end
128               if (charindex('%', @objname) = 0)
129               begin
130                   select @status3 = status3,
131                       @suid = suid
132                   from master.dbo.sysdatabases
133                   where name = @objname
135                   select @sdc_local_temp_db = 1
136                   where ((@@clustermode = 'shared disk cluster')
137                           and ((@status3 & @stat3_tempdb) in
138                                   (select number
139                                   from master.dbo.spt_values
140                                   where name in ("local user temp db",
141                                           "local system temp db"))))
143                   if ((@sdc_local_temp_db = 1) and (@suid = suser_id()))
144                   begin
145                       return 1
146                   end
147                   else
148                   begin
149                       select @procname =
150                           @objname + "..sp_is_dbo"
151                       exec @is_dbo = @procname @objname
153                       -- Return an error/failure if the sub-proc 
154                       -- were not to be found.
155                       -- 
156                       if (@@error != 0)
157                           return 0
159                       if (@is_dbo != 1)
160                       begin
161                           raiserror 17230
162                           return 0
163                       end
164                   end
165               end
166               else
167               begin
168                   -- In case of multiple database, only the user having
169                   -- "sa_role" can execute sp_ddlgen. However, if the 
170                   -- user had sa_role, the procedure must have already 
171                   -- returned by now.
172                   -- This means user doesn't have sa_role. Hence, raise 
173                   -- server error message 567. 
174                   -- "You must have the following role(s) to execute this
175                   -- command/procedure: '%.*s'. Please contact a user
176                   -- with the appropriate role for help."
177                   -- This can be achieved by calling the builtin function
178                   -- proc_role("sa_role"). Basically, this builtin when
179                   -- executed by non-sa_role gives the error message 567.
180                   --
181                   select @dummy = proc_role("sa_role")
182                   return 0
183               end
184           end
185       end

 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: spt_values.spt_valuesclust clustered
(number, type)
Intersection: {type}
 TNOU 4 Table with no unique index master..spt_values master..spt_values
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..spt_values  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysdatabases  
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets in create proc 27
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Begin-End Pair 31
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 60
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 123
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 128
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 136
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 143
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 156
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 159
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 44
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 136
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @dummy 181
 MDYE 2 Dynamic Exec Marker exec @is_dbo 151
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 138
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 60% 27
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 5 = 9dec - 6exi + 2 27
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 39 27

reads table master..sysdatabases (1)  
reads table master..spt_values (1)