sybsystemprocssp_downgrade  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     /*
4     ** 
5     ** Description
6     **	This stored procedure must be executed to downgrade a server
7     **	from version to a previous one.
8     ** 
9     ** Parameters
10    **	@cmd	- 'help', 'prepare' or 'downgrade'. If null, 'help'
11    **		  is the default.
12    **	@toversion	- Target version in char format
13    **	@verbose	- 0 or 1, to control verbosity
14    **	@override	- 0 or 1: if 1, skip databases that are not writable
15    **	@show_cmd	- if 1 and verbose=1, print command text before executing it
16    ** Returns
17    **	0 - success
18    **	1 - error
19    */
20    create procedure sp_downgrade
21        @cmd varchar(10) = 'help',
22        @toversion varchar(10) = null,
23        @verbose int = 0,
24        @override int = 0,
25        @show_cmd int = 0
26    as
27        begin -- {
28            declare @dbid int,
29                @dbname sysname,
30                @devname sysname,
31                @cachename varchar(255),
32                @alldbs int,
33                @allbutmasterdb int,
34                @masterdb int,
35                @sybsecuritydb int,
36                @whatdbid int,
37                @fromversion varchar(10),
38                @fromversid int,
39                @toversid int,
40                @any15versid int,
41                @actionid int,
42                @baddbstat int,
43                @baddbstat2 int,
44                @baddbstat3 int,
45                @imdbstat int,
46                @cachedevstat int,
47                @imcachestat int,
48                @auinitstat int,
49                @dbstat4 int,
50                @retval int,
51                @prepare_error_count int,
52                @exec_error_count int,
53                @lob_comp_error int,
54                @usage varchar(128),
55                @sqlbuf varchar(1024),
56                @sqlcmd varchar(2048),
57                @sqlclause varchar(1024),
58                @dbnameoffset int,
59                @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_cmd varchar(1024),
60                @mark_dbprocs_sql varchar(128),
61                @drop_1502_sysoptions_sql varchar(512),
62                @dbinfo_reset_asevers_sql varchar(100),
63                @dbinfo_turnon_downgradeneed_sql varchar(512),
64                @dbinfo_update_1550_master_sql varchar(128),
65                @dbinfo_update_1550_userdb_sql varchar(128),
66                @dbinfo_update_1502_master_sql varchar(128),
67                @dbinfo_update_1502_userdb_sql varchar(128),
68                @dbinfo_update_15015_alldbs_sql varchar(128),
69                @dbinfo_update_1500_master_sql varchar(128),
70                @dbinfo_update_1500_userdb_sql varchar(128),
71                @errorlog_msg varchar(128),
72                @downgrade_passwords_sql varchar(128),
73                @downgrade_sysauditoptions_sql varchar(256),
74                @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql1 varchar(512),
75                @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql2 varchar(512),
76                @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql3 varchar(512),
77                @downgrade_15015_config varchar(30),
78                @reset_sysservers_srvnetname_len varchar(128),
79                @downgrade_15015_msg varchar(30),
80                @sysobjstat3_sql varchar(20),
81                @durability_sql varchar(256),
82                @soid int,
83                @soname varchar(30),
84                @objname sysname,
85                @objstat3 smallint,
86                @csid int,
87                @wide_rows int,
88                @page_comp int,
89                @row_comp int,
90                @v char(1),
91                @c int,
92                @cct int,
93                @lp_status int,
94                @exempt_lock int,
95                @lockrole int
97            set nocount on
99            select @usage = 'sp_downgrade @cmd = {''prepare'' | ''downgrade'' | ''help''}, @toversion = ''n'' [, @verbose = 0 | 1 ] [, @override = 0 | 1]'
101           select @cmd = lower(isnull(@cmd, 'downgrade'))
103           if ((@toversion is null) or (@cmd = 'help'))
104           begin
105               print @usage
106               return 0
107           end
109           if (@cmd not in ('prepare', 'downgrade'))
110           begin
111               print @usage
112               return 1
113           end
115           /*
116           ** Because this procedure could update security tables,
117           ** SSO role is required and because it is an administration
118           ** tool SA role is also required. The sybase_ts_role is
119           ** needed to execute the command dbcc markprocs.
120           */
121           if (proc_role('sa_role') = 0 or
122                   proc_role('sso_role') = 0 or
123                   proc_role('sybase_ts_role') = 0)
124           begin
125               return 1
126           end
128           if db_name() != "master"
129           begin
130               /* 17428, "You must be in the 'master' database in order to change database options." */
131               raiserror 17428
132               return 1
133           end
135           /* Initialize */
136           select @prepare_error_count = 0,
137               @any15versid = 0,
138               @lp_status = 512,
139               @exempt_lock = 8,
140               @lockrole = 2
142           /* Determine which version we are downgrading from */
143           select @fromversid = coalesce (nullif (convert(smallint,
144                   dbinfo_get('master', 'ASEvers')), 0),
145                   @@version_number)
146           select @fromversion = convert(varchar(2), @fromversid / 1000)
147               + '.' + convert(varchar(1), ((@fromversid / 100) % 10))
148               + '.' + convert(varchar(1), ((@fromversid / 10) % 10))
149               + '.' + convert(varchar(1), (@fromversid % 10))
151           /*
152           ** Valid 'to' versions: any version whose major number equals
153           ** the @fromversid major number, and is < @fromversid.
154           */
155           select @toversid = 0
156           select @cct = datalength(@toversion)
157           select @c = 1
158           while @c <= @cct
159           begin
160               select @v = substring(@toversion, @c, 1)
161               if (@v between '0' and '9')
162               begin
163                   select @toversid = (@toversid * 10) + convert(int, @v)
164               end
165               else if (@v != '.')
166               begin
167                   -- Not a valid version ... stop
168                   print "'%1!' is not a valid downgrade version.", @toversion
169                   return 1
170               end
171               select @c = @c + 1
172           end
173           if (@toversid = 0)
174           begin
175               print "'%1!' is not a valid downgrade version.", @toversion
176               return 1
177           end
178           while (@toversid < 10000)
179               select @toversid = @toversid * 10
181           select @toversion = convert(varchar(2), @toversid / 1000)
182               + '.' + convert(varchar(1), ((@toversid / 100) % 10))
183               + '.' + convert(varchar(1), ((@toversid / 10) % 10))
184               + '.' + convert(varchar(1), (@toversid % 10))
186           /*
187           ** Major-version downgrade is not allowed.
188           ** Cannot "downgrade" to a higher release than current.
189           ** Downgrade between SDC and SMP is disallowed; these are
190           ** denoted by SDC=5 in the subminor number, SMP=0.
191           ** 15035 server must only be downgraded to 15015, but
192           ** not existing 15005 nor 15025, there is no need
193           ** for an extra check.
194           */
195           if (((@toversid / 1000) != (@fromversid / 1000))
196                   or (@fromversid < @toversid)
197                   or ((@fromversid % 10) != (@toversid % 10)))
198           begin
199               print "'%1!' is not a valid downgrade version from %2!.",
200                   @toversion, @fromversion
201               return 1
202           end
204           print "Downgrade from %1! to %2! (command: '%3!')", @fromversion,
205               @toversion, @cmd
207           /*
208           ** Downgrade can only be performed when server is under single
209           ** user mode.
210           */
211           if (is_singleusermode() = 0)
212           begin
213               print 'You cannot run sp_downgrade; server must be in single-user mode.'
214               print 'Try restarting the server using the -m option.'
215               return 1
216           end
218           /* 
219           ** Downgrade only those databases that are writable 
220           **
221           ** sysdatabases.status not in 0x20 (in load), 0x40 (not rec), 
222           ** 0x80 (bypass), 0x100 (suspect), 0x400 (rdonly), 0x8000 (emergency)
223           **
224           ** sysdatabases.status2 not in 0x10 (offline), 0x400 (online for 
225           ** standby access)
226           **
227           ** sysdatabases.status3 not in 0x1 (user proxy), 0x2 (ha proxy),
228           ** 0x8 (shutdown), 0x10 (failedover), 0x80 (quiesced), 0x400000 
229           ** (archive)
230           */
231           select @baddbstat = 34272, @baddbstat2 = 1040,
232               @baddbstat3 = 4194459
234           select @imdbstat = number from master..spt_values
235           where name = "in-memory database"
237           select dbid
238           into #sysdatabases
239           from master.dbo.sysdatabases
240           where status & @baddbstat = 0
241               and status2 & @baddbstat2 = 0
242               and status3 & @baddbstat3 = 0
243               and status4 & @imdbstat = 0
244           order by dbid
246           select a.dbid,
247           into #baddb
248           from master.dbo.sysdatabases a
249           where not exists (select 1 from #sysdatabases b
250                   where a.dbid = b.dbid)
252           if (@@rowcount > 0)
253           begin
254               /*
255               ** If there is any database that we know in advance that cannot
256               ** be downgraded, skip it only if WITH OVERRIDE was specified.
257               */
258               if (@override = 0)
259               begin
260                   print 'sp_downgrade cannot be run because the following databases are not writable or they cannot be downgraded.'
261                   print 'Use sp_downgrade ... @override = 1 to skip these databases.'
262               end
263               else
264               begin
265                   print 'sp_downgrade will skip the following databases because they are not writable or cannot be downgraded.'
266               end
268               select dbid, convert(char(30), name) as name
269               from #baddb
271               if (@override = 0)
272               begin
273                   return 1
274               end
275           end
277           -- If we are at the requested downgrade level, check whether all
278           -- databases have been downgraded.  If so, stop with success;
279           -- else declare an error.
280           if (@fromversid = @toversid)
281           begin
282               print "This installation is already at version %1!", @toversion
283               select @dbid = 2
284               while @dbid is not null
285               begin
286                   if (not exists (select dbid from #baddb where dbid = @dbid))
287                       and (@toversid != (select convert(smallint,
288                               dbinfo_get(@dbid, 'asevers'))))
289                   begin
290                       print "Database ID %1! is not at the correct version.",
291                           @dbid
292                       select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
293                   end
294                   select @dbid = min(dbid)
295                   from master.dbo.sysdatabases
296                   where dbid > @dbid
297               end
298               if @prepare_error_count != 0
299               begin
300                   print "sp_downgrade cannot continue. Run 'online database' for all databases to bring them back up to ASE's current release level, then retry sp_downgrade."
301                   return 1
302               end
303               return 0
304           end
306           select @errorlog_msg = 'Preparing ASE downgrade from ' + @fromversion
307               + ' to ' + @toversion + '.'
308           dbcc printolog(@errorlog_msg)
310           /*
311           ** We will verify encryption downgrade and prepare for
312           ** password downgrade for both prepare mode and downgrade mode.
313           ** If either fail, we return fail.
314           ** Initally set retval to 0. It will be set by sp_encryption if 
315           ** sp_encryption fails or by sp_passwordpolicy if sp_passwordpolicy
316           ** fails.
317           */
318           select @retval = 0
320           /* 
321           ** verify_downgrade, 15.5, 15.5SDC, 15.0.3, 15.0.2 are at the 
322           ** same level of the encrypted column feature, 15.0.1 and 15.0.1SDC
323           ** are at the same level of the encrypted column feature
324           */
325           if (not exists (select name from syscolumns
326                       where id = object_id('syscomments') and name = 'encrkeyid'))
327           begin
328               -- This is a re-run of sp_downgrade; skip sp_encryption
329               print "This is a re-run of sp_downgrade; skip sp_encryption"
330               select @retval = 0
331           end
332           else if (@toversid >= 15020)
333           begin
334               exec @retval = sp_encryption 'verify_downgrade', '15.5'
335           end
336           else if (@toversid = 15010 or @toversid = 15015)
337           begin
338               exec @retval = sp_encryption 'verify_downgrade', '15.0.1'
339           end
340           else if (@toversid = 15000)
341           begin
342               exec @retval = sp_encryption 'verify_downgrade', '15.0'
343           end
345           if @retval != 0
346           begin
347               select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
348           end
350           /*
351           ** Starting with 15.0.2, new password encryption algorithm is used to
352           ** encrypt login passwords.
353           ** On downgrade to SMP 15.0.1 or prior and SDC version,
354           ** the login password is reset for logins with password encrypted 
355           ** only using the new algorithm.
356           */
357           if (@toversid <= 15015)
358           begin
359               exec @retval = sp_passwordpolicy 'prepare_downgrade'
361               if @retval != 0
362               begin
363                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
364               end
365           end
367           if (@toversid < 15500)
368           begin
369               -- Some datatypes don't exist before 15.5.  Assure they are unused.
370               print "Checking datatypes in preparation for downgrade"
372               select @retval = 0
374               select @sqlbuf = 'select @c = count(1) from :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
375                   'where type in (select type from :DBNAME:..systypes ' +
376                   'where name in (''bigdatetime'', ''bigtime'', ' +
377                   '''bigdatetimen'', ''bigtimen''))'
379               select @dbid = db_id('master')
380               while (@dbid is not null)
381               begin
382                   select @dbname = name
383                   from master..sysdatabases
384                   where dbid = @dbid
386                   select @sqlcmd = @sqlbuf
387                   select @dbnameoffset = patindex('%:DBNAME:%', @sqlcmd)
388                   while (@dbnameoffset > 0)
389                   begin
390                       select @sqlcmd = stuff(@sqlcmd,
391                               @dbnameoffset, 8,
392                               @dbname)
393                       select @dbnameoffset = patindex('%:DBNAME:%',
394                               @sqlcmd)
395                   end
397                   exec (@sqlcmd)
398                   if (@c > 0)
399                   begin
400                       raiserror 19985, @toversion
401                       select @retval = 1
402                   end
403                   else
404                   if @verbose = 1
405                   begin
406                       print 'Database %1! does not use new datatypes',
407                           @dbname
408                   end
410                   select @dbid = min(dbid)
411                   from master..sysdatabases
412                   where dbid > @dbid
413               end
415               /* Block downgrade unless users remove usages of new datatypes */
416               if @retval != 0
417               begin
418                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
419               end
421               /*
422               ** Before 15.5 stored procedures cannot be created with
423               ** deferred name resolution. If we have procedures created
424               ** with deferred name resolution the downgrade machinery
425               ** will mark them to be recreated from text so they can
426               ** be executed in the downgraded server. But the text in
427               ** syscomments will have 'select *' not expanded, for
428               ** getting the 'select *' correctly expanded the procedures
429               ** would have to be recreated from SQL script.
430               **
431               ** So during 'prepare' we warn if there are databases having
432               ** stored procedures created with deferred name resolution
433               ** and in 'verbose' mode we print out the names for the
434               ** procedures in each database.
435               */
436               print "Checking procedures in preparation for downgrade"
438               /* Cursor for traversing databases */
439               declare sysdbc2 cursor for
440               select dbid from #sysdatabases
442               /* Initializations */
443               set @retval = 0
444               set @c = 0
446               select Name = name, Owner = user_name(uid)
447               into #sprocDNR
448               from sysobjects
449               where 1 = 2
451               select @sqlbuf = " truncate table #sprocDNR
452   				   insert #sprocDNR
453   				   select,
454   					  Owner=user_name(o.uid)
455   				   from :DBNAME:..sysobjects o
456   				   where exists (select 1 from
457   						 :DBNAME:..sysprocedures p
458   						 where = and
459   							p.type = 2048)
460   				   order by"
462               /* Scan sysprocedures in each database */
463               open sysdbc2
464               fetch sysdbc2 into @dbid
466               while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
467               begin -- {
469                   select @dbname = db_name(@dbid)
470                   select @sqlcmd = "select @c = count(1) from "
471                       + @dbname + "..sysprocedures " +
472                       "where type = 2048"
474                   exec (@sqlcmd)
476                   if (@c != 0)
477                   begin
478                       set @retval = 1
479                       print "Warning: There are procedures in database: %1! (dbid: %2!) created with deferred name resolution", @dbname, @dbid
481                       if (@verbose = 1)
482                       begin
483                           print "List of procedures created with deferred name resolution in database: %1! (dbid: %2!)", @dbname, @dbid
485                           select @sqlcmd = @sqlbuf
486                           select @dbnameoffset =
487                               patindex('%:DBNAME:%', @sqlcmd)
489                           while (@dbnameoffset > 0)
490                           begin
491                               select @sqlcmd =
492                                   stuff(@sqlcmd,
493                                       @dbnameoffset,
494                                       8, @dbname)
496                               select @dbnameoffset =
497                                   patindex('%:DBNAME:%',
498                                       @sqlcmd)
499                           end
501                           exec (@sqlcmd)
503                           exec sp_autoformat #sprocDNR
505                           print ""
506                       end
507                   end
509                   fetch sysdbc2 into @dbid
511               end -- }
513               if (@retval = 1)
514               begin
515                   /*
516                   ** At least one database has procedures created with
517                   ** deferred name resolution. Print a warning with
518                   ** the advice for recreating manually those procedures
519                   ** for getting the right "select *" expanded text in
520                   ** syscomments.
521                   */
522                   print ""
523                   print "Warning: Procedures created with deferred name resolution that contain statements with 'select *' syntax would need to be recreated manually from text. If they are not recreated they will still execute but the text in syscomments will remain with 'select *' unexpanded."
524                   print ""
525               end
526               else if (@verbose = 1)
527               begin
528                   /*
529                   ** We didn't find any procedure created with deferred
530                   ** name resolution.
531                   */
532                   print "There are no procedures created with deferred name resolution in any database"
533               end
535               close sysdbc2
536               deallocate cursor sysdbc2
537           end
539           if (@toversid < 15030 and @toversid != 15015)
540           begin -- {
541               /*
542               ** Starting at 15.0.3, the size of sysservers.srvnetname
543               ** changed from 32 bytes to 255 bytes.  If any srvnetname
544               ** is greater than 32 bytes do not let downgrade happen.
545               ** (exception: 15015 was original version for ssl=CN changes
546               ** and increase of srvnetname column.)
547               */
548               print "Checking sysservers in preparation for downgrade"
549               if exists (select 1 from master.dbo.sysservers
550                       where
551                           lower(srvnetname) like "%ssl=%"
552                           or datalength(srvnetname) > 32)
553               begin
554                   raiserror 19891, @fromversion, @toversion
555                   select srvname, srvnetname into #newformat
556                   from master.dbo.sysservers
557                   where
558                       lower(srvnetname) like "%ssl=%"
559                       or datalength(srvnetname) > 32
561                   exec sp_autoformat
562                       @fulltabname = "#newformat",
563                       @selectlist = "'Server Name' = srvname,
564   				'Server Net Name' = srvnetname"
566                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
567               end
568               else
569               begin
570                   print "There were no errors which involve the sysservers table."
571               end
573               /*
574               ** Starting at 15.0.3, the directory service entry may contain
575               ** CN=. If any row in syslisteners has such a
576               ** string, ssl was configured for this listener.  State that
577               ** ssl needs to be disabled and list the listeners.
578               */
579               print "Checking syslisteners in preparation for downgrade"
580               if exists (select 1 from master.dbo.syslisteners
581                       where
582                           lower(net_type) like "%ssl%"
583                           or lower(address_info) like "%cn=%")
584               begin
585                   raiserror 19943, @fromversion, @toversion
586                   select net_type, address_info into #newformat1
587                   from master.dbo.syslisteners
588                   where
589                       lower(net_type) like "%ssl%"
590                       or lower(address_info) like "%cn=%"
592                   exec sp_autoformat
593                       @fulltabname = "#newformat1",
594                       @selectlist = "'Net Type' = net_type, 
595   				'Address Info' = address_info"
597                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
598               end
599               else
600               begin
601                   print "There were no errors which involve the syslisteners table."
602               end
604               /*
605               ** Starting at 15.0.3, sysprocedures has additional 
606               ** qp_setting column that is used to associate optimization 
607               ** goal and criteria with stored procedures. If the 
608               ** qp_setting column is not null, print an warning to user. 
609               */
610               print "Checking sysprocedures in preparation for downgrade"
612               /* A cursor to traverse sysdatabases */
613               declare sysdbc1 cursor for
614               select dbid from #sysdatabases
616               set @retval = 0
617               open sysdbc1
618               fetch sysdbc1 into @dbid
619               while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
620               begin -- {
621                   select @dbname = db_name(@dbid)
622                   select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = count(1) from '
623                       + @dbname + '..sysprocedures ' +
624                       'where qp_setting is not null'
625                   exec (@sqlcmd)
626                   if @retval != 0
627                   begin
628                       print "Warning: There are non-NULL qp_setting rows in sysprocedures of database: %1! (dbid: %2!).", @dbname, @dbid
629                       print "The qp_setting column in sysprocedures will be set to NULL and dropped during downgrade."
630                   end
631                   fetch sysdbc1 into @dbid
632               end --}
633               close sysdbc1
634               deallocate cursor sysdbc1
637               /*
638               ** Starting at 15.0.3, sysqueryplans has additional columns:
639               ** dbid, qpdate, sprocid, hashkey2, key1, key2, key3, key4.
640               ** If anyone of them is not null, print a warning message.
641               */
642               print "Preparing sysqueryplans for downgrade"
644               /* A cursor to traverse sysdatabases */
645               declare sysdbc1 cursor for
646               select dbid from #sysdatabases
648               set @retval = 0
649               open sysdbc1
650               fetch sysdbc1 into @dbid
651               while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
652               begin -- {
653                   select @dbname = db_name(@dbid)
654                   select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = count(1) from '
655                       + @dbname + '..sysqueryplans ' +
656                       'where dbid is not null ' +
657                       'or qpdate is not null ' +
658                       'or sprocid is not null ' +
659                       'or hashkey2 is not null ' +
660                       'or key1 is not null ' +
661                       'or key2 is not null ' +
662                       'or key3 is not null ' +
663                       'or key4 is not null'
664                   exec (@sqlcmd)
665                   if @retval != 0
666                   begin
667                       print "Warning: There are non-NULL rows for dbid or qpdate or sprocid or hashkey2 or key1 or key2 or key3 or key4 in sysqueryplans of database: %1! (dbid: %2!).", @dbname, @dbid
668                       print "The respective column in sysqueryplans will be set to NULL and dropped during downgrade."
669                   end
670                   fetch sysdbc1 into @dbid
671               end --}
672               close sysdbc1
673               deallocate cursor sysdbc1
675               /*
676               ** In 15.0.3 ESD#1, a new charset KZ1048 is added. Do not allow
677               ** downgrade to happen if server is using this charset.
678               */
679               select @csid = value
680               from master.dbo.syscurconfigs
681               where config = 131
682               if (@csid = 87)
683               begin
684                   print ""
685                   raiserror 19954, @toversion, 'kz1048'
686                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
687               end
689           end --}
691           /*
692           ** In 15.0.2, new nocase sortorders (id 52) are added for
693           ** Chinese and Japanese character sets: eucgb, gb18030, cp936,
694           ** eucjis, sjis and deckanji. If server is using these sortorder
695           ** as default, do not allow downgrade to happen.
696           */
697           if (@toversid < 15020)
698           begin -- {
699               select @soid = value
700               from master.dbo.syscurconfigs
701               where config = 123
703               select @csid = value
704               from master.dbo.syscurconfigs
705               where config = 131
707               select @soname = name
708               from master.dbo.syscharsets
709               where id = @soid and csid = @csid and type between 2000 and 2999
711               if (@soid = 52) and (@csid in (170, 171, 173, 140, 141, 142))
712               begin
713                   print ""
714                   raiserror 19779, @toversion, @soname
715                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
716               end
717           end -- }
719           /*
720           ** In 15.5, status4 column of sysdatabases has new values indicating
721           ** MINIMAL logging mode and in-memory database. Downgrade will report
722           ** those databases which are using these values.
723           */
724           if (@toversid < 15500)
725           begin
726               print "Checking sysdatabases in preparation for downgrade"
728               set @retval = 0
730               select @imdbstat = 4096
732               select @retval = count(1)
733               from master..sysdatabases
734               where (status4 & (@imdbstat | 256)) != 0
736               if @retval != 0
737               begin
738                   declare sysdbc0 cursor for
739                   select dbid, status4 from master..sysdatabases
740                   where (status4 & (@imdbstat | 256)) != 0
742                   open sysdbc0
743                   fetch sysdbc0 into @dbid, @dbstat4
745                   while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
746                   begin
747                       select @dbname = db_name(@dbid)
748                       if (@dbstat4 & 256 = 256)
749                       begin
750                           print "Error: Database '%1!' with MINIMAL logging mode should be altered back to FULL logging mode before downgrade.", @dbname
751                       end
752                       if (@dbstat4 & @imdbstat = @imdbstat)
753                       begin
754                           print "Error: In-memory database '%1!' should be dropped before downgrade.", @dbname
755                       end
756                       fetch sysdbc0 into @dbid, @dbstat4
757                   end
759                   close sysdbc0
760                   deallocate cursor sysdbc0
762                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
763               end
765               /*
766               ** In 15.5, a new kind of device "cache device" is introduced.
767               ** Downgrade will advise users to drop these cache devices.
768               */
769               print "Checking sysdevices in preparation for downgrade"
771               set @retval = 0
773               select @cachedevstat = 8
775               select @retval = count(1)
776               from master..sysdevices
777               where status2 & @cachedevstat = @cachedevstat
779               if @retval != 0
780               begin
781                   declare sysdevc cursor for
782                   select name from master..sysdevices
783                   where status2 & @cachedevstat = @cachedevstat
785                   open sysdevc
786                   fetch sysdevc into @devname
788                   while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
789                   begin
790                       print "Error: Device '%1!' is a cache device, which should be dropped via sp_dropdevice before downgrade.", @devname
791                       fetch sysdevc into @devname
792                   end
794                   close sysdevc
795                   deallocate cursor sysdevc
797                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
798               end
800               /*
801               ** In 15.5, a new cache type "inmemory_storage" is introduced.
802               ** Downgrade will advise users to drop the user-defined caches
803               ** whose type is "inmemory_storage".
804               */
805               print "Checking user-defined caches in preparation for downgrade"
807               set @retval = 0
809               select @imcachestat = 65536
811               select @retval = count(1)
812               from master..sysconfigures
813               where (parent = 19) and (status & @imcachestat = @imcachestat)
815               if @retval != 0
816               begin
817                   declare usercachec cursor for
818                   select name from master..sysconfigures
819                   where (parent = 19) and (status & @imcachestat = @imcachestat)
821                   open usercachec
822                   fetch usercachec into @cachename
824                   while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
825                   begin
826                       print "Error: Cache '%1!' is a inmemory_storage cache, which should be dropped via sp_cacheconfig before downgrade.", @cachename
827                       fetch usercachec into @cachename
828                   end
830                   close usercachec
831                   deallocate cursor usercachec
833                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
834               end
836               /*
837               ** In 15.5, sysstat3 column of sysobjects is introduced.
838               ** Downgrade will clear the values of the column, and remove
839               ** it from syscolumns.
840               */
841               set @retval = 0
842               exec @retval = sp_downgrade_sysobjects "display"
843               if @retval != 0
844               begin
845                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
846               end
847           end
849           -- Look for databases having "allow wide dol rows" enabled
850           if (@toversid < 15700 and @@maxpagesize > 8192)
851           begin
852               select @wide_rows = number
853               from master.dbo.spt_values
854               where type = "D4" and name = "allow wide dol rows"
855               if (@wide_rows is null)
856               begin
857                   print 'Information is missing from spt_values.'
858                   print 'Please re-run installmaster before continuing.'
859                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
860               end
861               else
862               begin
863                   -- Turn this off arbitrarily in temp databases
864                   update master.dbo.sysdatabases
865                   set status4 = status4 & ~ @wide_rows
866                   where name = 'tempdb'
867                       or status3 & 256 = 256
869                   -- Now look for other databases having it on
870                   if exists (select name
871                           from master.dbo.sysdatabases
872                           where status4 & @wide_rows = @wide_rows)
873                   begin
874                       print "One or more databases still permit wide DOL rows."
875                       select name as 'Investigate these databases:'
876                       from master.dbo.sysdatabases
877                       where status4 & @wide_rows = @wide_rows
878                       select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
879                   end
880                   else if (@verbose = 1)
881                   begin
882                       print "No databases allow wide DOL rows."
883                   end
884               end
885           end
887           -- Look for databases having compression enabled
888           -- Look for databases having LOB compression enabled
889           -- Look for databases using in-row as default storage for LOBs
890           if (@toversid < 15700)
891           begin
892               select @page_comp = number
893               from master.dbo.spt_values
894               where type = 'D4' and name = 'page compressed'
895               select @row_comp = number
896               from master.dbo.spt_values
897               where type = 'D4' and name = 'row compressed'
898               if (@page_comp is null or @row_comp is null)
899               begin
900                   print 'Information is missing from spt_values.'
901                   print 'Please re-run installmaster before continuing.'
902                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
903               end
904               else
905               begin
906                   -- look for databases configured for compression
907                   if exists (select name
908                           from master.dbo.sysdatabases
909                           where status4 & (@page_comp | @row_comp) != 0)
910                   begin
911                       print "One or more databases is configured for compression."
912                       select name as 'Investigate these databases:'
913                       from master.dbo.sysdatabases
914                       where status4 & (@page_comp | @row_comp) != 0
915                       select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
916                   end
917                   else if (@verbose = 1)
918                   begin
919                       print "No databases are configured for compression."
920                   end
921               end
923               if exists (select 1
924                       from master.dbo.sysdatabases
925                       where (lobcomp_lvl is not null)
926                           and (lobcomp_lvl > 0))
927               begin
928                   print '*** Some databases are configured for LOB compression.'
929                   select distinct name as 'check these databases'
930                   from master.dbo.sysdatabases where lobcomp_lvl > 0
931                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
932               end
933               else if (@verbose = 1)
934               begin
935                   print 'No databases are configured for LOB compression.'
936               end
938               if exists (select 1
939                       from master.dbo.sysdatabases
940                       where (inrowlen is not null)
941                           and (inrowlen > 0))
942               begin
943                   print '*** Some databases are configured to use in-row LOBs.'
944                   select distinct name as 'check these databases'
945                   from master.dbo.sysdatabases where inrowlen > 0
946                   select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
947               end
948               else if (@verbose = 1)
949               begin
950                   print 'No databases are configured to use in-row LOBs.'
951               end
952           end
954           /*
955           ** If downgrading to a version prior to 15.7, check:
956           ** - There are no log records of the type PAGEIMAGE or PAGE_COMPRESS
957           ** - There are no databases that are being initialized by the
958           **   Allocation Unit Initializer.
959           ** - There are no tables having compression enabled
960           ** - There are no tables having in-row LOBs
961           */
962           if (@toversid < 15700)
963           begin --{
964               select @retval = 0
966               select @auinitstat = 67108864, @lob_comp_error = 0
968               declare sysdbc0 cursor for
969               select dbid, name, status4 from master..sysdatabases
971               open sysdbc0
972               fetch sysdbc0 into @dbid, @dbname, @dbstat4
974               while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
975               begin --{
976                   if (@verbose = 1)
977                   begin
978                       print 'Checking database ''%1!'' for downgrade readiness.', @dbname
979                   end
980                   if (@dbstat4 & @auinitstat != 0)
981                   begin --{
982                       print "Error: Database '%1!' is not fully initialized. You must wait for the Allocation Unit Initializer to complete.", @dbname
983                       select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
984                   end --}
986                   select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval=count(*) from '
987                       + @dbname + '..syslogs '
988                       + 'where op > 84'
989                   exec (@sqlcmd)
990                   if (@retval > 0)
991                   begin --{
992                       print "Error: Database '%1!' contains log records that will not be understood by the target server. Please, truncate the log and retry.", @dbname
993                       select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
994                   end --}
996                   select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval=sum(size) from '
997                       + 'master..sysusages where dbid=@dbid '
998                       + 'and vdevno < 0'
999                   exec (@sqlcmd)
1000                  if (@retval > 0)
1001                  begin --{
1002                      print "Error: Database '%1!' contains %2! hidden pages that have to be filled. Please, use ALTER DATABASE LOG ON command to extend the log %3! pages.", @dbname, @retval, @retval
1003                      select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
1004                  end --}
1006                  select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = count(1) from ' + @dbname
1007                      + '..syscolumns where id = object_id(''sysobjects'') and name = ''lobcomp_lvl'''
1008                  exec (@sqlcmd)
1009                  if (@retval > 0)
1010                  begin --{
1011                      /*
1012                      ** This block checks for LOB compressed columns.
1013                      ** syscolumns.status2 value 131072 is 0x20000,
1014                      ** "column should not be compressed".
1015                      ** syscolumns.sysstat3 value 2048 is 0x800,
1016                      ** "table contains compressed LOB data".
1017                      */
1018                      select @sqlclause = ' from '
1019                          + @dbname + '..syscolumns c,'
1020                          + @dbname + '..sysobjects o,'
1021                          + @dbname + '..syspartitions p'
1022                          + ' where = and ='
1023                          + ' and ((c.lobcomp_lvl is not null and c.status2 & 131072 = 0)'
1024                          + ' or  ((o.lobcomp_lvl is not null and o.lobcomp_lvl > 0) or (sysstat3 & 2048 != 0))'
1025                          + ' or  (p.lobcomp_lvl is not null and p.lobcomp_lvl > 0))'
1026                      select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = count(1) ' + @sqlclause
1027                      exec (@sqlcmd)
1028                      if (@retval > 0)
1029                      begin --{
1030                          print "Error: Database '%1!' has tables configured for LOB compression.", @dbname
1031                          -- Determine how wide the table name display must be.
1032                          select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = max(datalength(' + @sqlclause
1033                          exec (@sqlcmd)
1034                          -- Display the affected table names.
1035                          select @sqlcmd = 'select distinct convert(varchar('
1036                              + convert(varchar(10), @retval)
1037                              + '), as ''Check these tables:'''
1038                              + @sqlclause
1039                          exec (@sqlcmd)
1040                          select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1,
1041                              @lob_comp_error = 1
1042                      end --}
1043                      /*
1044                      ** This block checks for compressed tables.
1045                      ** sysstat3 value 28672 is 0x7000, the three compression
1046                      ** status bits:
1047                      **  - 0x1000 = Table contains compressed data
1048                      **  - 0x2000 = Table is page level compressed
1049                      **  - 0x4000 = Table is row level compressed
1050                      */
1051                      select @sqlclause = ' from '
1052                          + @dbname + '..sysobjects o,'
1053                          + @dbname + '..syspartitions p'
1054                          + ' where ='
1055                          + '   and (o.sysstat3 & 28672 != 0'
1056                          + '    or (p.ptndcompver is not null and p.ptndcompver > 0))'
1057                      select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = count(1) ' + @sqlclause
1058                      exec (@sqlcmd)
1059                      if (@retval > 0)
1060                      begin --{
1061                          print "Error: Database '%1!' has tables configured for compression.", @dbname
1062                          -- Determine how wide the table name display must be.
1063                          select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = max(datalength(' + @sqlclause
1064                          exec (@sqlcmd)
1065                          -- Display the affected table names.
1066                          select @sqlcmd = 'select distinct convert(varchar('
1067                              + convert(varchar(10), @retval)
1068                              + '), as ''Check these tables:'''
1069                              + @sqlclause
1070                          exec (@sqlcmd)
1071                          print "For each table, set compression = none, then use 'reorg rebuild' on that table."
1072                          select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
1073                      end --}
1074                  end --}
1076                  -- Check for 15.7 tables containing in-row LOBs
1077                  select @sqlclause = ' from '
1078                      + @dbname + '..sysobjects o,'
1079                      + @dbname + '..syscolumns c '
1080                      + 'where = and (inrowlen is not null) and (inrowlen > 0)'
1081                  select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = count(1) ' + @sqlclause
1082                  exec (@sqlcmd)
1083                  if (@retval > 0)
1084                  begin --{
1085                      print "Error: Database '%1!' has tables containing in-row LOBs.", @dbname
1086                      select @sqlcmd = 'select @retval = max(datalength(' + @sqlclause
1087                      exec (@sqlcmd)
1088                      select @sqlcmd = 'select distinct convert(varchar('
1089                          + convert(varchar(10), @retval)
1090                          + '), as ''check these tables'''
1091                          + @sqlclause
1092                      exec (@sqlcmd)
1093                      select @prepare_error_count = @prepare_error_count + 1
1094                  end --}
1096                  fetch sysdbc0 into @dbid, @dbname, @dbstat4
1097              end --}
1098              close sysdbc0
1099              deallocate cursor sysdbc0
1101              if (@lob_comp_error != 0)
1102              begin --{
1103                  print "*** NOTE about tables using LOB compression:"
1104                  print "To reset table LOB compression status indicators, copy data from the indicated tables into new tables, then drop the old tables."
1105                  print "***"
1106              end --}
1107          end --}
1109          if @prepare_error_count != 0
1110          begin
1111              print " "
1112              print "sp_downgrade '%1!' failed.", @cmd
1113              print "Re-run sp_downgrade after addressing the items listed above."
1114              return @prepare_error_count
1115          end
1117          if (@cmd = 'prepare')
1118          begin
1119              /*
1120              ** In prepare mode the rest of non password/encryption
1121              ** processing is done, as there is nothing else to verify. 
1122              */
1123              print 'sp_downgrade ''prepare'' completed.'
1124              return 0
1125          end
1127          select @alldbs = 0,
1128              @allbutmasterdb = - 1,
1129              @masterdb = db_id('master'),
1130              @sybsecuritydb = db_id('sybsecurity'),
1131              @downgrade_passwords_sql = 'sp_passwordpolicy ''downgrade''',
1132              @mark_dbprocs_sql =
1133              'dbcc markprocs(@dbid)',
1134              @drop_1502_sysoptions_sql =
1135              'declare @d int ' +
1136              'delete syscolumns where id = 57 ' +
1137              'delete sysindexes where id = 57 ' +
1138              'delete sysobjects where id = 57 ' +
1139              'delete syspartitions where id = 57 ' +
1140              'delete systabstats where id = 57 ' +
1141              'select @d=rm_anchor(''master'',''table'', 57)',
1142              @dbinfo_reset_asevers_sql =
1143              'declare @d int ' +
1144              'select @d=dbinfo_update(@dbid, ''ASEvers'', ' +
1145              convert(varchar(10), @toversid) + ')',
1146              /* 32 as 0x00000002 indicates downgrade is needed */
1147              @dbinfo_turnon_downgradeneed_sql =
1148              'declare @d int, ' +
1149              '@stat4 int ' +
1150              'select @stat4=convert(int, dbinfo_get(''master'',''status4'')) ' +
1151              'select @d=dbinfo_update(1, ''status4'', 32 | @stat4)',
1152              @dbinfo_update_1550_master_sql =
1153              'declare @d int ' +
1154              'select @d=dbinfo_update(1, ''upgd_minor'', 1620)',
1155              @dbinfo_update_1502_master_sql =
1156              'declare @d int ' +
1157              'select @d=dbinfo_update(1, ''upgd_minor'', 1560)',
1158              @dbinfo_update_15015_alldbs_sql =
1159              'declare @d int ' +
1160              'select @d=dbinfo_update(@dbid, ''upgd_minor'', 1700)',
1161              @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql1 =
1162              'delete sysconfigures where name in (' +
1163              '''config file version'',''max query parallel degree'',' +
1164              '''cost of a logical io'',''cost of a physical io'',' +
1165              '''cost of a cpu unit'',''auto query tuning'',' +
1166              '''enable query tuning mem limit'',' +
1167              '''query tuning plan executions'',' +
1168              '''enable query tuning time limit'',' +
1169              '''max buffers per lava operator'',' +
1170              '''enable merge join'',''mnc_full_index_filter'')',
1171              @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql2 =
1172              'delete sysconfigures where name in (' +
1173              '''engine memory log size'',''compression memory size'',' +
1174              '''enable sql debugger'',''identity reservation size'',' +
1175              '''session tempdb log cache size'',''max nesting level'',' +
1176              '''enable pci'',''max pci slots'',' +
1177              '''pci memory size'',' +
1178              '''restricted decrypt permission'',''net password encryption reqd'')',
1179              @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql3 =
1180              'delete sysconfigures where name in (' +
1181              '''start xp server during boot'',''enable stmt cache monitoring'')',
1182              @downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_cmd =
1183              'if not exists (select 1 from sysconfigures where config = 392) ' +
1184              'begin ' +
1185              'insert sysconfigures(config,value,comment,status,name,parent) values(' +
1186              '392,0,''enable enterprise java beans'',262153,''enable enterprise java beans'',39) ' +
1187              'delete master..sysattributes where class = 1 and attribute = 1560 ' +
1188              'end',
1189              /* 1502 upgd_minor for user tables is still 1554 */
1190              @dbinfo_update_1550_userdb_sql =
1191              'declare @d int ' +
1192              'select @d=dbinfo_update(@dbid, ''upgd_minor'', 1554)',
1193              @dbinfo_update_1502_userdb_sql =
1194              'declare @d int ' +
1195              'select @d=dbinfo_update(@dbid, ''upgd_minor'', 1554)',
1196              @dbinfo_update_1500_master_sql =
1197              'declare @d int ' +
1198              'select @d=dbinfo_update(1, ''upgd_minor'', 1550)',
1199              @dbinfo_update_1500_userdb_sql =
1200              'declare @d int ' +
1201              'select @d=dbinfo_update(@dbid, ''upgd_minor'', 1554)',
1202              @reset_sysservers_srvnetname_len =
1203              'update syscolumns ' +
1204              'set length=32 ' +
1205              'where id=40 and colid=4 and length>32',
1206              @downgrade_15015_config = "downgrade_15015_config",
1207              @downgrade_15015_msg = "@downgrade_15015_msg",
1208              @sysobjstat3_sql = "sysobjstat3_sql",
1209              @durability_sql = "UNUSED",
1210              @downgrade_sysauditoptions_sql =
1211              'delete from sybsecurity..sysauditoptions where ' +
1212              'name in (''login_locked'', ''password'', ' +
1213              '''keycustodian_role'', ''errorlog'')'
1216          /*
1217          ** The following is a table which will contain various actions
1218          ** to perform on downgrade.  The 'toversion' is either "any
1219          ** version" or the highest ASE version at which the given action
1220          ** is needed during downgrade.
1221          */
1222          create table #actions
1223          (
1224              actionid int,
1225              dbid int,
1226              toversion int,
1227              action varchar(1024),
1228              errorlog_msg varchar(128)
1229          )
1231          -- Downgrade login passwords if going to SMP version <= 15.0.1 or SDC version
1232          insert #actions values (1, @masterdb, 15015,
1233              @downgrade_passwords_sql,
1234              'Downgrade : Downgrading login passwords.')
1236          -- Mark stored procs for recompile on any downgrade
1237          insert #actions values (2, @alldbs, @any15versid,
1238              @mark_dbprocs_sql,
1239              'Downgrade : Marking stored procedures to be recreated from text.')
1241          -- Remove sysoptions if going to <= 15.0.1
1242          insert #actions values (3, @masterdb, 15015,
1243              @drop_1502_sysoptions_sql,
1244              'Downgrade : Dropping Sysoptions system table.')
1246          -- Downgrade systabstats if going to <= 15.0.1
1247          insert #actions values (4, @alldbs, 15015,
1248              'if exists (select 1 from :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1249              'where id = 23 and name = ''pioclmdata'') ' +
1250              'begin ' +
1251              'delete :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1252              'where id = 23 ' +
1253              '  and name in (''pioclmdata'', ''pioclmindex'', ' +
1254              '''piocsmdata'', ''piocsmindex'') ' +
1255              'plan ''(delete(i_scan csyscolumns '
1256              + ':DBNAME:..syscolumns))'' ' +
1257              'insert into :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1258              '(id, number, colid, status, type, length, offset, ' +
1259              'usertype, cdefault, domain, name, status3) ' +
1260              'values(23, 0, 19, 0, 62, 8, 112, ' +
1261              '8, 0, 0, ''spare2'', 0) ' +
1262              'insert into :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1263              '(id, number, colid, status, type, length, offset, ' +
1264              'usertype, cdefault, domain, name, status3) ' +
1265              'values(23, 0, 27, 0, 62, 8, 144, ' +
1266              '8, 0, 0, ''spare4'', 0) ' +
1268              'update :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1269              'set name = ''spare5'' ' +
1270              'where id = 23 and name = ''warmcachepgcnt'' ' +
1271              'end',
1272              'Downgrade : Downgrading Systabstats system table.')
1274          -- Downgrade sysconfigures if going to
1275          insert #actions values (5, @masterdb, 15015, @downgrade_15015_config,
1276              'Downgrade : Updating configuration parameters.')
1278          -- Downgrade sysmessages if going to
1279          insert #actions values (6, @masterdb, 15015, @downgrade_15015_msg,
1280              'Downgrade : Updating sysmessages.')
1282          -- Revert the length of sysservers.srvnetname from 255 to 32
1283          insert #actions values (7, @masterdb, 15020,
1284              @reset_sysservers_srvnetname_len,
1285              'Downgrade : Resetting max length of sysservers.srvnetname')
1287          -- Downgrade sysprocedures if going to < 15.0.3
1288          insert #actions values (8, @alldbs, 15020,
1289              'update :DBNAME:..sysprocedures ' +
1290              'set qp_setting = null ' +
1291              'where qp_setting is not null ' +
1292              'delete :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1293              'where id = 5 and ' +
1294              'name = ''qp_setting''',
1295              'Downgrade : Downgrading Sysprocedures system table.')
1297          -- Downgrade sysqueryplans if going to < 15.0.3
1298          insert #actions values (9, @alldbs, 15020,
1299              'update :DBNAME:..sysqueryplans ' +
1300              'set dbid = null, qpdate = null, sprocid = null, ' +
1301              'hashkey2 = null, key1 = null, key2 = null, ' +
1302              'key3 = null, key4 = null ' +
1303              'where dbid is not null ' +
1304              'or qpdate is not null ' +
1305              'or sprocid is not null ' +
1306              'or hashkey2 is not null ' +
1307              'or key1 is not null ' +
1308              'or key2 is not null ' +
1309              'or key3 is not null ' +
1310              'or key4 is not null ' +
1311              'delete :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1312              'where id = 27 and name in (''dbid'', ''qpdate'', ' +
1313              '''sprocid'', ''hashkey2'', ' +
1314              '''key1'', ''key2'', ''key3'', ''key4'')',
1315              'Downgrade : Downgrade Sysqueryplans system table.')
1317          -- Remove some config params if going to < 15.0.3
1318          insert #actions values (10, @masterdb, 15020,
1319              'delete from master.dbo.sysconfigures where config > 500',
1320              'Downgrade : Removing pre-15.0.3 configuration parameters.')
1322          -- Remove some config params if going to < 15.5
1323          insert #actions values (11, @masterdb, 15035,
1324              'delete from sysconfigures where config > 508',
1325              'Downgrade : Removing pre-15.5 configuration parameters.')
1327          insert #actions values (12, @masterdb, 15035,
1328              @durability_sql,
1329              'Downgrade : Removing durability column in sysdatabases.')
1331          -- Remove types 'bigdatetime', 'bigtime' if goint to < 15.5
1332          insert #actions values (13, @alldbs, 15035,
1333              'delete :DBNAME:..systypes where name in ' +
1334              '(''bigdatetime'',''bigtime'', ''bigdatetimen'', ''bigtimen'')',
1335              'Downgrade : Removing types ''bigdatetime'' and ''bigtime''')
1337          -- Downgrade sysobjects if going to < 15.5
1338          insert #actions values (14, @masterdb, 15035,
1339              @sysobjstat3_sql,
1340              'Downgrade : Downgrade Sysobjects system table.')
1342          -- Remove index sysdevices.ncsysdevices on sysdevices if going to any SMP < 15.5
1343          -- Exception: 15015 is the only SDC version which is below 15030.
1344          if (@toversid != 15015)
1345          begin --{
1346              insert #actions values (15, @masterdb, 15030,
1347                  'set switch on drop_system_index  with override ' +
1348                  'drop index sysdevices.ncsysdevices ' +
1349                  'set switch off drop_system_index ',
1350                  'Downgrade : Removing index sysdevices.ncsysdevices on sysdevices.')
1351          end --}		
1353          -- Downgrade sysauditoptions if going to <= 15.0.1
1354          if (@sybsecuritydb is not null)
1355          begin --{
1356              insert #actions values (16, @sybsecuritydb, 15010,
1357                  @downgrade_sysauditoptions_sql,
1358                  'Downgrade : Downgrading global auditing options.')
1359          end --}
1361          -- Remove full logging modes from sysattributes in any version < 15.7
1362          insert #actions values (17, @masterdb, 15500,
1363              'delete sysattributes where class = 38',
1364              'Downgrade : Removing full logging modes from sysattributes.')
1366          -- Downgrade data-only locked table rows if going to <= 15.5.6
1367          insert #actions values (18, @alldbs, 15560,
1368              'declare @ret int '
1369              + 'select @ret = dol_downgrade_check('':DBNAME:'', @toversid) '
1370              + 'print "Database :DBNAME: table downgrade status: %1!", @ret '
1371              + 'if @ret != 0 '
1372              + 'begin '
1373              + '  print "*** Tables in database '':DBNAME:'' cannot be downgraded." '
1374              + '  print "*** See the server error log for details." '
1375              + '  select @exec_error_count = @exec_error_count + 1 '
1376              + 'end '
1377              , 'Downgrade : Downgrading data-only locked table rows.')
1379          -- Remove full logging modes from sysattributes in any version < 15.7
1380          insert #actions values (19, @masterdb, 15500,
1381              'delete sysattributes where class = 38',
1382              'Downgrade : Removing full logging modes from sysattributes.')
1384          -- Remove column sysoptions.number in any version < 15.7
1385          insert #actions values (20, @masterdb, 15699,
1386              'delete syscolumns where id = object_id(''sysoptions'') and name=''number''',
1387              'Downgrade : Removing column sysoptions.number.')
1391          -- Remove srvprincipal column from sysservers table if going to <= SMP 15.5 or SDC
1392          insert #actions values (21, @masterdb, 15505,
1393              'delete syscolumns where id = object_id(''sysservers'') ' +
1394              'and name = ''srvprincipal''',
1395              'Downgrade : Removing srvprincipal column from sysservers system table')
1397          -- Remove 'automatic master key access' config params if going to <= 15.5
1398          insert #actions values (22, @masterdb, 15505,
1399              'delete sysconfigures where config = 503',
1400              'Downgrade : Removing ''automatic master key access'' configuration parameter.')
1402          -- Remove sysattribute values if going to <= 15.5
1403          insert #actions values (23, @masterdb, 15505,
1404              'delete sysattributes where class = 25 and attribute in (2, 3)',
1405              'Downgrade : Removing DualControl sysattribute rows')
1407          -- Downgrade sysattributes system catalog if going to <= 15.5
1408          insert #actions values (24, @alldbs, 15505,
1409              'update :DBNAME:..sysattributes ' +
1410              'set object_cinfo2 = null, object_datetime = null ' +
1411              'where object_cinfo2 is not null ' +
1412              'or object_datetime is not null ' +
1413              'delete :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1414              'where id = 21 and name in (''object_cinfo2'', ' +
1415              '''object_datetime'')',
1416              'Downgrade : Downgrading sysattributes system table.')
1418          -- Downgrade syscomments system catalog if going to <= 15.5
1419          insert #actions values (25, @alldbs, 15505,
1420              'update :DBNAME:..syscomments ' +
1421              'set encrkeyid = null ' +
1422              'where encrkeyid is not null ' +
1423              'delete :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1424              'where id = 6 and name = ''version'' ' +
1425              'delete :DBNAME:..syscolumns ' +
1426              'where id = 6 and name =''encrkeyid''',
1427              'Downgrade : Downgrading syscomments system table.')
1429          -- Truncate password and lock role if going to <= SMP 15.5 or SDC
1430          insert #actions values (26, @masterdb, 15505,
1431              'delete statistics syssrvroles(password) ' +
1432              'if exists (select 1 from syssrvroles where password is not null) ' +
1433              'begin ' +
1434              'print "Truncating password and locking following role(s)" ' +
1435              'select name from syssrvroles where password is not null ' +
1436              'update syssrvroles set password = null, status = (status | @lockrole) ' +
1437              'where password is not null ' +
1438              'end ' +
1439              'update syssrvroles set locksuid = null, lockreason = null, lockdate = null ' +
1440              'where locksuid is not null ' +
1441              'or lockreason is not null ' +
1442              'or lockdate is not null ' +
1443              'delete syscolumns where id = object_id(''syssrvroles'') ' +
1444              'and name in (''locksuid'', ''lockreason'', ''lockdate'')',
1445              'Downgrade : Truncated role password, locked role and ' +
1446              'removed columns locksuid, lockreason, lockdate from syssrvroles')
1448          -- Resize syssrvroles.password if going to SMP version <= 15.0.1 or SDC version
1449          -- This step should be done after step 26 where syssrvroles.password column is accessed.
1450          insert #actions values (27, @masterdb, 15015,
1451              'delete statistics syssrvroles(password) ' +
1452              'update syscolumns set length = 30 ' +
1453              'where id = object_id(''syssrvroles'') and name = ''password''',
1454              'Downgrade : Resizing role password length.')
1456          -- Remove catalog changes for RSA Keypair Regeneration Period and Login Profile
1457          -- if going to <= SMP 15.5 or SDC
1458          insert #actions values (28, @masterdb, 15505,
1459              'delete sysattributes where class = 35 ' +
1460              'delete sysattributes where class = 39 ' +
1461              'update syslogins set lpid = null, crsuid = null ' +
1462              'where lpid is not null ' +
1463              'or crsuid is not null ' +
1464              'delete syscolumns where id = object_id(''syslogins'') ' +
1465              'and name in (''lpid'', ''crsuid'') ' +
1466              'delete syslogins where (status & @lp_status) = @lp_status ' +
1467              'update syslogins set status = status & ~(@exempt_lock) ' +
1468              'where (status & @exempt_lock) = @exempt_lock',
1469              'Downgrade : Removing catalog changes for RSA Keypair Regeneration Period and Login Profile')
1471          -- Remove login and login profile management audit options if going to <= SMP 15.5 or SDC
1472          if (@sybsecuritydb is not null)
1473          begin
1474              insert #actions values (29, @sybsecuritydb, 15505,
1475                  'delete from sybsecurity..sysauditoptions where ' +
1476                  'name in (''security_profile'', ''login_admin'')',
1477                  'Downgrade : Removing login and login profile management audit options')
1478          end
1480          -- Remove RAT configuration params if going to < 15.7
1481          insert #actions values (30, @masterdb, 15699,
1482              'delete from sysconfigures where config = 542',
1483              'Downgrade : Removing 15.7 RAT configuration parameters.')
1485          -- Remove RAT MRP sysattribute values if going to < 15.7
1486          insert #actions values (31, @allbutmasterdb, 15699,
1487              'delete from :DBNAME:.. sysattributes where ' +
1488              '(class = 11 and object_info1 > 0) ' +
1489              'or (class = 11 and attribute in (36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41)) ' +
1490              'or (class = 41)',
1491              'Downgrade : Removing RAT MRP sysattribute rows')
1493          -- Remove monLockTimeout table configuration params if going to < 15.7
1494          insert #actions values (32, @masterdb, 15699,
1495              'delete from sysconfigures where config in (544, 545)',
1496              'Downgrade : Removing ''lock timeout pipe max messages'' and ''lock timeout pipe active'' configuration parameters.')
1498          -- Remove 15.7 config options if going to < 15.7
1499          insert #actions values (33, @masterdb, 15699,
1500              'delete from master..sysconfigures where config in (550,551,566,567,568,569)',
1501              'Downgrade : Removing configuration options added in 15.7')
1503          -- Remove 15.7 in-row LOB fields if going to < 15.7
1504          insert #actions values (34, @alldbs, 15699,
1505              'update :DBNAME:..syscolumns set lobcomp_lvl = null where lobcomp_lvl is not null ' +
1506              'update :DBNAME:..syscolumns set inrowlen = null where inrowlen is not null ' +
1507              'delete from :DBNAME:..syscolumns where id = object_id(''syscolumns'') ' +
1508              'and name in (''lobcomp_lvl'', ''inrowlen'')',
1509              'Downgrade : Removing syscolumns.lobcomp_lvl and syscolumns.inrowlen')
1511          -- Remove 15.7 in-row LOB fields if going to < 15.7
1512          insert #actions values (35, @masterdb, 15699,
1513              'update sysdatabases set lobcomp_lvl = null where lobcomp_lvl is not null ' +
1514              'update sysdatabases set inrowlen = null where inrowlen is not null ' +
1515              'update sysdatabases set dcompdefaultlevel = null where dcompdefaultlevel is not null ' +
1516              'delete from syscolumns where id = object_id(''sysdatabases'') ' +
1517              'and name in (''lobcomp_lvl'', ''inrowlen'', ''dcompdefaultlevel'')',
1518              'Downgrade : Removing sysdatabases.lobcomp_lvl and sysdatabases.inrowlen')
1520          -- Remove syscomments.version if going to < 15.7
1521          insert #actions values (36, @alldbs, 15699,
1522              'delete from :DBNAME:..syscolumns where id = 6 and name = ''version''',
1523              'Downgrade : Removing syscomments.version')
1525          /*
1526          ** MAINTAINERS:  add downgrade tasks in this area.
1527          **
1528          ** Place individual tasks above this comment, incrementing the
1529          ** action ID.
1530          **
1531          ** Place changes to upgrade IDs below this comment, decrementing
1532          ** the action ID.  These changes must be in _descending order_ by
1533          ** target version, since the last one processed will be the ultimate
1534          ** value retained.  These must be the highest-numbered items in the
1535          ** list, since we want them to execute last.  The minor ID and
1536          ** ASEvers together act as indicators showing that the database
1537          ** is exactly at the target downgrade version.
1538          */
1539          -- Reset minor upgrade ID as appropriate to the target version
1540          insert #actions values (991, @masterdb, 15500,
1541              @dbinfo_update_1550_master_sql,
1542              'Downgrade : Setting master database minor upgrade version.')
1543          insert #actions values (992, @allbutmasterdb, 15500,
1544              @dbinfo_update_1550_userdb_sql,
1545              'Downgrade : Setting user databases minor upgrade version.')
1546          insert #actions values (993, @masterdb, 15020,
1547              @dbinfo_update_1502_master_sql,
1548              'Downgrade : Setting master database minor upgrade version.')
1549          insert #actions values (994, @allbutmasterdb, 15020,
1550              @dbinfo_update_1502_userdb_sql,
1551              'Downgrade : Setting user databases minor upgrade version.')
1552          insert #actions values (995, @alldbs, 15015,
1553              @dbinfo_update_15015_alldbs_sql,
1554              'Downgrade : Setting user databases minor upgrade version.')
1555          insert #actions values (996, @masterdb, 15010,
1556              @dbinfo_update_1500_master_sql,
1557              'Downgrade : Setting master database minor upgrade version.')
1558          insert #actions values (997, @allbutmasterdb, 15010,
1559              @dbinfo_update_1500_userdb_sql,
1560              'Downgrade : Setting user databases minor upgrade version.')
1562          -- Turn on 0x00000020 for dbi_status4 to indicate downgrade happened
1563          insert #actions values (998, @masterdb, @any15versid,
1564              @dbinfo_turnon_downgradeneed_sql,
1565              'Downgrade : Turning on database downgrade indicator.')
1567          -- Reset ASEvers to a value appropriate to the target version
1568          insert #actions values (999, @alldbs, @any15versid,
1569              @dbinfo_reset_asevers_sql,
1570              'Downgrade : Resetting database version indicator.')
1572          /*
1573          ** MAINTAINERS:  as you add tasks, add them above or below the
1574          ** "Reset minor upgrade ID" items, as appropriate.  Add no items
1575          ** beyond value 999.
1576          */
1579          /* A cursor to traverse sysdatabases */
1580          declare sysdbc cursor for
1581          select dbid from #sysdatabases
1583          /* 
1584          ** This cursor will traverse the #actions database and the
1585          ** actions will be performed based on the from and to versions:
1586          ** perform the action if [toversion is "any"] or [toversion
1587          ** less than current AND greater or equal to target].
1588          */
1589          declare actc cursor for
1590          select actionid, dbid, action, errorlog_msg
1591          from #actions
1592          where (toversion = @any15versid)
1593              or ((toversion < @fromversid) and (toversion >= @toversid))
1594          order by actionid
1596          dbcc printolog('Starting downgrading ASE.')
1597          select @exec_error_count = 0
1599          open actc
1600          fetch actc into @actionid, @whatdbid, @sqlbuf, @errorlog_msg
1601          while (@@sqlstatus = 0 and @exec_error_count = 0)
1602          begin
1603              if (@verbose = 1)
1604              begin
1605                  print ''
1606                  print 'Executing downgrade step %1! [%2!] for :',
1607                      @actionid, @sqlbuf
1608              end
1610              /* 
1611              ** Write related downgrade step informational message in 
1612              ** the errorlog.
1613              */
1614              dbcc printolog(@errorlog_msg)
1616              /* 
1617              ** Loop for each writable database and execute 
1618              ** the command if it is authorized. 
1619              */
1620              open sysdbc
1621              fetch sysdbc into @dbid
1622              while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
1623              begin -- {
1624                  if ((@whatdbid in (@alldbs, @dbid)) or
1625                          (@whatdbid = @allbutmasterdb and @dbid != @masterdb))
1626                  begin -- {
1627                      select @dbname = db_name(@dbid)
1628                      select @sqlcmd = @sqlbuf
1629                      select @dbnameoffset = patindex('%:DBNAME:%', @sqlcmd)
1630                      while (@dbnameoffset > 0)
1631                      begin
1632                          select @sqlcmd =
1633                              stuff(@sqlcmd,
1634                                  @dbnameoffset, 8,
1635                                  @dbname)
1636                          select @dbnameoffset = patindex('%:DBNAME:%',
1637                                  @sqlcmd)
1638                      end
1639                      if (@verbose = 1)
1640                      begin
1641                          print '- Database: %1! (dbid: %2!)',
1642                              @dbname, @dbid
1643                          if (@show_cmd = 1)
1644                          begin
1645                              print 'sql command is: %1!', @sqlcmd
1646                              print ''
1647                          end
1648                      end
1649                      if (@mark_dbprocs_sql = @sqlcmd)
1650                      begin
1651                          /* 
1652                          ** Temporary workaround until DBCC 
1653                          ** can be run in exec. 
1654                          */
1655                          dbcc markprocs(@dbid)
1656                      end
1657                      else
1658                      if (@durability_sql = @sqlcmd)
1659                      begin
1660                          /* 
1661                          ** sp_downgrade_durability cannot
1662                          ** be run in execute immediate.
1663                          */
1664                          exec sp_downgrade_durability 'exec'
1665                      end
1666                      else
1667                      if (@sysobjstat3_sql = @sqlcmd)
1668                      begin
1669                          /*
1670                          ** sp_downgrade_sysobjects cannot
1671                          ** be run in execute immediate.
1672                          */
1673                          exec sp_downgrade_sysobjects 'exec'
1674                      end
1675                      else
1676                      if (@downgrade_15015_config = @sqlcmd)
1677                      begin
1678                          if (@toversid = 15015)
1679                          begin
1680                              exec (@downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql1)
1681                              exec (@downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql2)
1682                              exec (@downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_sql3)
1683                              exec (@downgrade_sysconfigures_15015_cmd)
1684                          end
1685                      end
1686                      else
1687                      if (@downgrade_15015_msg = @sqlcmd)
1688                      begin
1689                          if (@toversid = 15015)
1690                          begin
1691                              set nocount on
1692                              exec sp_inst15015msg
1693                              set nocount off
1694                              update master..syslanguages set upgrade = 1501
1695                          end
1696                      end
1697                      else
1698                      if ((@reset_sysservers_srvnetname_len = @sqlcmd) and (@toversid = 15015))
1699                      begin
1700                          /*
1701                          ** Skip this downgrade item, as len of sysservers.srvnetname is
1702                          ** still 255 in
1703                          */
1704                          if (@verbose = 1)
1705                          begin
1706                              print ''
1707                              print "  Skip downgrade step %1! for database %2! on downgrading to version %3!",
1708                                  @actionid, @dbname, @toversid
1709                          end
1710                      end
1711                      else
1712                      begin
1713                          exec (@sqlcmd)
1714                          if (@@error != 0)
1715                          begin
1716                              select @exec_error_count = @exec_error_count + 1
1717                              print 'downgrade step %1! failed.', @actionid
1718                              print 'failing command is: %1!', @sqlcmd
1719                          end
1720                      end
1721                  end -- }
1722                  fetch sysdbc into @dbid
1723              end -- }
1724              close sysdbc
1726              /* Pick up next downgrade step. */
1727              fetch actc into @actionid, @whatdbid, @sqlbuf, @errorlog_msg
1728          end
1729          close actc
1731          deallocate cursor actc
1732          deallocate cursor sysdbc
1734          if @exec_error_count != 0
1735          begin
1736              dbcc printolog('One or more downgrade steps failed. Downgrade is not complete.')
1737              return 1
1738          end
1740          dbcc printolog('ASE downgrade completed.')
1741          return 0
1742      end -- }

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_downgrade', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_downgrade to public

 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 505
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 522
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 524
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 684
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 713
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 1605
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 1646
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 1706
 MINU 4 Unique Index with nullable columns master..sysconfigures master..sysconfigures
 MINU 4 Unique Index with nullable columns master..syslanguages master..syslanguages
 MUSP 4 Unquoted String Parameter sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat: parameter # 1 503
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysconfigures.csysconfigures unique clustered
(name, parent, config)
Intersection: {parent}
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysconfigures.csysconfigures unique clustered
(name, parent, config)
Intersection: {parent}
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: spt_values.spt_valuesclust clustered
(number, type)
Intersection: {type}
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: spt_values.spt_valuesclust clustered
(number, type)
Intersection: {type}
 QPUI 4 Join or Sarg with Un-Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: spt_values.spt_valuesclust clustered
(number, type)
Intersection: {type}
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 286
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 296
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 296
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 384
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 384
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 412
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 412
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 681
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 701
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 705
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: tinyint vs int 709
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch tinyint = int 709
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 813
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 819
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: tinyint vs int 926
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: tinyint vs int 930
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 941
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 945
 QUDW 4 Update or delete with no where clause 1694
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..syscurconfigs master..syscurconfigs
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..syslisteners master..syslisteners
 TNOU 4 Table with no unique index master..spt_values master..spt_values
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause sysdbc2 440
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause sysdbc1 614
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause sysdbc1 646
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause sysdbc0 739
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause sysdevc 782
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause usercachec 818
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause sysdbc0 969
 MDYN 3 Proc uses Dynamic SQL but is not flagged with Dynamic Ownership Chain 20
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..spt_values  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..syscharsets  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysconfigures  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..syscurconfigs  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysdatabases  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysdevices  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..syslanguages  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..syslisteners  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysservers  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_downgrade  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 237
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 246
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 334
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 338
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 446
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 503
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 555
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 561
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 586
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 592
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 864
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1232
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1237
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1242
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1247
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1275
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1279
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1283
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1288
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1298
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1318
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1323
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1327
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1332
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1338
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1346
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1356
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1362
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1367
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1380
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1385
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1392
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1398
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1403
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1408
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1419
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1430
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1450
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1458
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1474
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1481
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1486
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1494
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1499
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1504
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1512
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1521
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1540
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1543
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1546
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1549
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1552
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1555
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1558
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1563
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 1568
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 1664
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 1673
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 1692
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 1694
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Begin-End Pair 27
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 103
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 109
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 121
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 147
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 148
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 149
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 161
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 163
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 165
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 173
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 178
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 182
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 183
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 184
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 195
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 197
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 211
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 252
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 258
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 271
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 280
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 325
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 332
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 336
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 340
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 357
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 367
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 380
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 388
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 398
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 466
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 476
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 481
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 489
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 513
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 526
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 539
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 619
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 651
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 682
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 697
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 724
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 745
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 748
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 752
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 788
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 824
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 850
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 855
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 880
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 890
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 898
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 917
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 933
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 948
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 962
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 974
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 976
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 980
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 990
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1000
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1009
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1028
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1059
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1083
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1101
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1117
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1344
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1354
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1472
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1601
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1603
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1622
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1624
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1630
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1639
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1643
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1649
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1658
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1667
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1676
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1678
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1687
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1689
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1698
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1704
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 1714
 MUIN 3 Column created using implicit nullability 1222
 MUOT 3 Updates outside transaction 1694
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 234
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 679
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 699
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 703
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 852
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 892
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 895
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 268
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 875
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 912
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 929
 QCRS 3 Conditional Result Set 944
 QCTC 3 Conditional Table Creation 446
 QCTC 3 Conditional Table Creation 555
 QCTC 3 Conditional Table Creation 586
 QGWO 3 Group by/Distinct/Union without order by 929
 QGWO 3 Group by/Distinct/Union without order by 944
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 250
 QPNC 3 No column in condition 449
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: syscolumns.csyscolumns unique clustered
(id, number, colid)
Intersection: {id}
 QSWV 3 Sarg with variable @dbid, Candidate Index: sysdatabases.ncsysdatabases unique(dbid) F 296
 QSWV 3 Sarg with variable @dbid, Candidate Index: sysdatabases.ncsysdatabases unique(dbid) F 412
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 551
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 558
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 582
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 589
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 866
 QTLO 3 Top-Level OR 1592
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @lp_status 138
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @exempt_lock 139
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @lockrole 140
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @objname 84
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @objstat3 85
 CRDO 2 Read Only Cursor Marker (has an 'order by' clause) 1590
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 440
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 614
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 646
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 739
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 782
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 818
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 969
 CUPD 2 Updatable Cursor Marker (updatable by default) 1581
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 397
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 474
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 501
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 625
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 664
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 989
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 999
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1008
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1027
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1033
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1039
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1058
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1064
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1070
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1082
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1087
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1092
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1680
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1681
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1682
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1683
 MDYS 2 Dynamic SQL Marker 1713
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 268
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 875
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 912
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 929
 MRST 2 Result Set Marker 944
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 286
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 325
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 549
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 580
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 870
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 907
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 923
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 938
 MSUC 2 Correlated Subquery Marker 249
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 21% 20
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 126 = 139dec - 15exi + 2 20
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 743 20

read_writes table master..sysdatabases (1)  
writes table tempdb..#sprocDNR (1) 
read_writes table tempdb..#baddb (1) 
writes table master..syslanguages (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_downgrade_sysobjects  
   reads table master..sysdatabases (1)  
   read_writes table tempdb..#sysdatabases1 (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#stat3obj (1) 
reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_encryption  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysattributes  
   read_writes table tempdb..#encr_column_count (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#encr_basekeys_info (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#encr_keycopies_info (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#encrypted_column_info (1) 
   reads table master..sysattributes (1)  
   writes table tempdb..#encrypted_text_info (1) 
   reads table master..syslogins (1)  
   read_writes table tempdb..#sys_encr_passwd_info (1) 
   writes table tempdb..#encrypted_table_verify (1) 
   writes table tempdb..#encrypted_extpasswd_info (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#keydbname_table (1) 
   reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
   read_writes table tempdb..#encryption_keys_info (1) 
   reads table sybsystemprocs..syscomments  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage  
      calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_validlang  
         reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
      reads table master..sysmessages (1)  
      reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
      reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusermessages  
   read_writes table tempdb..#encr_loginpwdcheck_info (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#encrypted_table_info (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#encrypted_verify_results (1) 
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysencryptkeys  
   reads table master..sysdatabases (1)  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusers  
   writes table tempdb..#extpasswd_status_info (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#encr_display_keys_info (1) 
   read_writes table tempdb..#encr_keys_info (1) 
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
   read_writes table tempdb..#encr_column_info (1) 
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat  
      calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_namecrack  
      read_writes table tempdb..#colinfo_af (1) 
      reads table master..syscolumns (1)  
      reads table tempdb..systypes (1)  
      reads table tempdb..syscolumns (1)  
      calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat  
      reads table master..systypes (1)  
reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_passwordpolicy  
   reads table master..spt_values (1)  
   reads table master..syslogins (1)  
   reads table master..syssrvroles (1)  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage  
   reads table master..sysmessages (1)  
   writes table tempdb..#helpdisplay (1) 
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysattributes  
   reads table master..sysattributes (1)  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_ha_check_certified  
      reads table tempdb..sysobjects (1)  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat  
reads table master..sysconfigures (1)  
writes table tempdb..#newformat1 (1) 
read_writes table tempdb..#actions (1) 
reads table master..syslisteners (1)  
writes table tempdb..#newformat (1) 
reads table master..sysservers (1)  
read_writes table tempdb..#sysdatabases (1) 
reads table master..spt_values (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_autoformat  
reads table master..syscurconfigs (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_downgrade_durability  
reads table master..sysdevices (1)  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_inst15015msg  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_inst15015msg_config  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_inst15015msg_all_oth_mesgs  
      calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_inst15015msg_oth_mesg  
         reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
         calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_inst15015msg_addlimsg  
            read_writes table master..sysmessages (1)  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_inst15015msg_all_us_mesgs  
      calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_inst15015msg_us_mesg  
         read_writes table master..sysmessages (1)  
reads table master..syscharsets (1)