sybsystemprocssp_ijdbc_columns  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     /*
3     **  sp_ijdbc_columns
4     */
6     /* create a 1-off version of sp_ijdbc_columns that has the additional
7     ** columns required for ODBC 2.0 and more columns required by
8     ** JDBC (from ODBC 3.0?).
9     */
11    /* This is the version for servers which support UNION */
13    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ijdbc_columns(
14        @table_name varchar(257),
15        @table_owner varchar(32) = null,
16        @table_qualifier varchar(32) = null,
17        @column_name varchar(257) = null)
18    AS
19        /* Don't delete the following line. It is the checkpoint for sed */
20        /* Server dependent stored procedure add here ad ADDPOINT_COLS */
21        declare @msg varchar(250)
22        declare @full_table_name char(290)
23        declare @table_id int
24        declare @char_bin_types varchar(30)
26        if @@trancount > 0
27        begin
28            /*
29            ** 17260, 'Can't run %1! from within a transaction.'
30            */
31            exec sp_getmessage 17260, @msg output
32            print @msg, 'sp_ijdbc_columns'
33            return (1)
34        end
35        else
36        begin
37            set chained off
38        end
40        set transaction isolation level 1
42        /* character and binary datatypes */
43        select @char_bin_types =
44            char(47) + char(39) + char(45) + char(37) + char(35) + char(34)
46        if @column_name is null select @column_name = '%'
48        if @table_qualifier is not null
49        begin
50            if db_name() != @table_qualifier
51            begin /* 
52                ** If qualifier doesn't match current database: 18039
53                ** Table qualifier must be name of current database
54                */
55                exec sp_getmessage 18039, @msg output
56                raiserror 18039 @msg
57                return (1)
58            end
59        end
61        if @table_name is null
62        begin /*	If table name not supplied, match all */
63            select @table_name = '%'
64        end
66        if @table_owner is null
67        begin /* If unqualified table name */
68            SELECT @full_table_name = @table_name
69            select @table_owner = '%'
70        end
71        else
72        begin /* Qualified table name */
73            SELECT @full_table_name = @table_owner + '.' + @table_name
74        end
77        delete #tmp_columns
79        /* Get Object ID */
80        SELECT @table_id = object_id(@full_table_name)
81        /* If the table name parameter is valid, get the information */
82        if ((charindex('%', @full_table_name) = 0) and
83                (charindex('_', @full_table_name) = 0) and
84                (@table_id != 0))
85        begin
87            INSERT #tmp_columns
89            SELECT /* INTn, FLOATn, DATETIMEn and MONEYn types */
90                TABLE_CAT = DB_NAME(),
91                TABLE_SCHEM = USER_NAME(o.uid),
92                TABLE_NAME =,
93                COLUMN_NAME =,
94                DATA_TYPE = d.data_type + convert(smallint,
95                isnull(d.aux,
96                    ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
97                            2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
98                    - 60)),
99                TYPE_NAME = isnull(xtname, rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
100                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
101                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
102                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
103                                       1)) - 60), 13))),
104               COLUMN_SIZE = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
105                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
106                       convert(int, c.length)))
107               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
108                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
109                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
110               BUFFER_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
111                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
112                       convert(int, c.length)))
113               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
114                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
115                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
116               DECIMAL_DIGITS = isnull(convert(smallint, c.scale),
117                   convert(smallint, d.numeric_scale)) +
118               convert(smallint, isnull(d.aux,
119                   ascii(substring('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?',
120                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
121                           1)) - 60)),
122               NUM_PREC_RADIX = d.numeric_radix,
123               NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */
124               convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8)),
125               REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), null), /* Remarks are NULL */
126               COLUMN_DEF = NULL,
127               SQL_DATA_TYPE = isnull(d.sql_data_type,
128                   d.data_type + convert(smallint,
129                   isnull(d.aux,
130                       ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
131                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
132                       - 60))),
133               SQL_DATETIME_SUB = NULL,
134               /*
135               ** if the datatype is of type CHAR or BINARY
136               ** then set char_octet_length to the same value
137               ** assigned in the "prec" column.
138               **
139               ** The first part of the logic is:
140               **
141               **   if(c.type is in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34))
142               **       set char_octet_length = prec;
143               **   else
144               **       set char_octet_length = 0;
145               */
146               CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH =
147               /*
148               ** check if in the list
149               ** if so, return a 1 and multiply it by the precision 
150               ** if not, return a 0 and multiply it by the precision
151               */
152               convert(smallint,
153               substring('0111111',
154                   charindex(convert(char, c.type), @char_bin_types) + 1, 1)) *
155               /* calculate the precision */
156               isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
157                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
158                       convert(int, c.length)))
159               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
160                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
161                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
162               ORDINAL_POSITION = c.colid,
163               IS_NULLABLE = rtrim(substring('NO YES', convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8) * 3) + 1, 3))
165           FROM
166               syscolumns c,
167               sysobjects o,
168               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info d,
169               sysxtypes x,
170               systypes t
171           WHERE
172      = @table_id
173               AND =
174               /*
175               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
176               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
177               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
178               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
179               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
180               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
181               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
182               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
183               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
184               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
185               ** more sense for the user.
186               */
187               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
188               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
189               and c.xtype *= x.xtid
190               AND o.type != 'P'
191               AND like @column_name ESCAPE '\'
192               AND d.ss_dtype IN (111, 109, 38, 110) /* Just *N types */
193               AND c.usertype < 100
194           UNION
195           SELECT /* All other types including user data types */
196               TABLE_CAT = DB_NAME(),
197               TABLE_SCHEM = USER_NAME(o.uid),
198               TABLE_NAME =,
199               COLUMN_NAME =,
200               DATA_TYPE = d.data_type + convert(smallint,
201               isnull(d.aux,
202                   ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
203                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
204                   - 60)),
205               TYPE_NAME = isnull(xtname, rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
206                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
207                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
208                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
209                                       1)) - 60), 13))),
210               COLUMN_SIZE = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
211                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
212                       convert(int, c.length)))
213               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
214                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
215                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
216               BUFFER_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
217                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
218                       convert(int, c.length)))
219               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
220                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
221                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
222               DECIMAL_DIGITS = isnull(convert(smallint, c.scale),
223                   convert(smallint, d.numeric_scale)) +
224               convert(smallint, isnull(d.aux,
225                   ascii(substring('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?',
226                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
227                           1)) - 60)),
228               NUM_PREC_RADIX = d.numeric_radix,
229               NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */
230               convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8)),
231               REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), null),
232               COLUMN_DEF = NULL,
233               SQL_DATA_TYPE = isnull(d.sql_data_type,
234                   d.data_type + convert(smallint,
235                   isnull(d.aux,
236                       ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
237                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
238                       - 60))),
239               SQL_DATETIME_SUB = NULL,
240               /*
241               ** if the datatype is of type CHAR or BINARY
242               ** then set char_octet_length to the same value
243               ** assigned in the "prec" column.
244               **
245               ** The first part of the logic is:
246               **
247               **   if(c.type is in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34))
248               **       set char_octet_length = prec;
249               **   else
250               **       set char_octet_length = 0;
251               */
252               CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH =
253               /*
254               ** check if in the list
255               ** if so, return a 1 and multiply it by the precision 
256               ** if not, return a 0 and multiply it by the precision
257               */
258               convert(smallint, substring('0111111',
259                   charindex(convert(char, c.type), @char_bin_types) + 1, 1)) *
260               /* calculate the precision */
261               isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
262                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
263                       convert(int, c.length)))
264               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
265                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
266                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
267               ORDINAL_POSITION = c.colid,
268               IS_NULLABLE = rtrim(substring('NO YES', convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8) * 3) + 1, 3))
270           FROM
271               syscolumns c,
272               sysobjects o,
273               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info d,
274               sysxtypes x,
275               systypes t
276           WHERE
277      = @table_id
278               AND =
279               /*
280               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
281               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
282               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
283               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
284               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
285               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
286               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
287               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
288               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
289               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
290               ** more sense for the user.
291               */
292               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
293               /*
294               ** We need a equality join with 
295               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info here so that
296               ** there is only one qualified row returned from 
297               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info, thus avoiding
298               ** duplicates.
299               */
300               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
301               and c.xtype *= x.xtid
302               AND o.type != 'P'
303               AND like @column_name ESCAPE '\'
304               AND (d.ss_dtype NOT IN (111, 109, 38, 110) /* No *N types */
305                   OR c.usertype >= 100) /* User defined types */
307       end
308       else
309       begin
311           INSERT #tmp_columns
313           SELECT /* INTn, FLOATn, DATETIMEn and MONEYn types */
314               TABLE_CAT = DB_NAME(),
315               TABLE_SCHEM = USER_NAME(o.uid),
316               TABLE_NAME =,
317               COLUMN_NAME =,
318               DATA_TYPE = d.data_type + convert(smallint,
319               isnull(d.aux,
320                   ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
321                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
322                   - 60)),
323               TYPE_NAME = isnull(xtname, rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
324                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
325                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
326                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
327                                       1)) - 60), 13))),
328               COLUMN_SIZE = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
329                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
330                       convert(int, c.length)))
331               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
332                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
333                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
334               BUFFER_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
335                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
336                       convert(int, c.length)))
337               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
338                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
339                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
340               DECIMAL_DIGITS = isnull(convert(smallint, c.scale),
341                   convert(smallint, d.numeric_scale)) +
342               convert(smallint, isnull(d.aux,
343                   ascii(substring('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?',
344                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
345                           1)) - 60)),
346               NUM_PREC_RADIX = d.numeric_radix,
347               NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */
348               convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8)),
349               REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), null), /* Remarks are NULL */
350               COLUMN_DEF = NULL,
351               SQL_DATA_TYPE = isnull(d.sql_data_type,
352                   d.data_type + convert(smallint,
353                   isnull(d.aux,
354                       ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
355                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
356                       - 60))),
357               SQL_DATETIME_SUB = NULL,
358               /*
359               ** if the datatype is of type CHAR or BINARY
360               ** then set char_octet_length to the same value
361               ** assigned in the "prec" column.
362               **
363               ** The first part of the logic is:
364               **
365               **   if(c.type is in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34))
366               **       set char_octet_length = prec;
367               **   else
368               **       set char_octet_length = 0;
369               */
370               CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH =
371               /*
372               ** check if in the list
373               ** if so, return a 1 and multiply it by the precision 
374               ** if not, return a 0 and multiply it by the precision
375               */
376               convert(smallint,
377               substring('0111111',
378                   charindex(convert(char, c.type), @char_bin_types) + 1, 1)) *
379               /* calculate the precision */
380               isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
381                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
382                       convert(int, c.length)))
383               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
384                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
385                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
386               ORDINAL_POSITION = c.colid,
387               IS_NULLABLE = rtrim(substring('NO YES', convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8) * 3) + 1, 3))
389           FROM
390               syscolumns c,
391               sysobjects o,
392               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info d,
393               sysxtypes x,
394               systypes t
395           WHERE
396      like @table_name ESCAPE '\'
397               AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner ESCAPE '\'
398               AND =
399               /*
400               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
401               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
402               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
403               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
404               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
405               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
406               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
407               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
408               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
409               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
410               ** more sense for the user.
411               */
412               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
413               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
414               AND o.type != 'P'
415               and c.xtype *= x.xtid
416               AND like @column_name ESCAPE '\'
417               AND d.ss_dtype IN (111, 109, 38, 110) /* Just *N types */
418               AND c.usertype < 100
419           UNION
420           SELECT /* All other types including user data types */
421               TABLE_CAT = DB_NAME(),
422               TABLE_SCHEM = USER_NAME(o.uid),
423               TABLE_NAME =,
424               COLUMN_NAME =,
425               DATA_TYPE = d.data_type + convert(smallint,
426               isnull(d.aux,
427                   ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
428                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
429                   - 60)),
430               TYPE_NAME = isnull(xtname, rtrim(substring(d.type_name,
431                           1 + isnull(d.aux,
432                               ascii(substring('III<<<MMMI<<A<A',
433                                       2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
434                                       1)) - 60), 13))),
435               COLUMN_SIZE = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
436                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
437                       convert(int, c.length)))
438               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
439                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
440                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
441               BUFFER_LENGTH = isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
442                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
443                       convert(int, c.length)))
444               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
445                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
446                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
447               DECIMAL_DIGITS = isnull(convert(smallint, c.scale),
448                   convert(smallint, d.numeric_scale)) +
449               convert(smallint, isnull(d.aux,
450                   ascii(substring('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<?',
451                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length,
452                           1)) - 60)),
453               NUM_PREC_RADIX = d.numeric_radix,
454               NULLABLE = /* set nullability from status flag */
455               convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8)),
456               REMARKS = convert(varchar(254), null),
457               COLUMN_DEF = NULL,
458               SQL_DATA_TYPE = isnull(d.sql_data_type,
459                   d.data_type + convert(smallint,
460                   isnull(d.aux,
461                       ascii(substring('666AAA@@@CB??GG',
462                               2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1))
463                       - 60))),
464               SQL_DATETIME_SUB = NULL,
465               /*
466               ** if the datatype is of type CHAR or BINARY
467               ** then set char_octet_length to the same value
468               ** assigned in the "prec" column.
469               **
470               ** The first part of the logic is:
471               **
472               **   if(c.type is in (47, 39, 45, 37, 35, 34))
473               **       set char_octet_length = prec;
474               **   else
475               **       set char_octet_length = 0;
476               */
477               CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH =
478               /*
479               ** check if in the list
480               ** if so, return a 1 and multiply it by the precision 
481               ** if not, return a 0 and multiply it by the precision
482               */
483               convert(smallint,
484               substring('0111111',
485                   charindex(convert(char, c.type), @char_bin_types) + 1, 1)) *
486               /* calculate the precision */
487               isnull(convert(int, c.prec),
488                   isnull(convert(int, d.data_precision),
489                       convert(int, c.length)))
490               + isnull(d.aux, convert(int,
491                   ascii(substring('???AAAFFFCKFOLS',
492                           2 * (d.ss_dtype % 35 + 1) + 2 - 8 / c.length, 1)) - 60)),
493               ORDINAL_POSITION = c.colid,
494               IS_NULLABLE = rtrim(substring('NO YES', convert(smallint, convert(bit, c.status & 8) * 3) + 1, 3))
496           FROM
497               syscolumns c,
498               sysobjects o,
499               sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info d,
500               sysxtypes x,
501               systypes t
502           WHERE
503      like @table_name ESCAPE '\'
504               AND user_name(o.uid) like @table_owner ESCAPE '\'
505               and c.xtype *= x.xtid
506               AND =
507               /*
508               ** We use syscolumn.usertype instead of syscolumn.type
509               ** to do join with systypes.usertype. This is because
510               ** for a column which allows null, type stores its
511               ** Server internal datatype whereas usertype still
512               ** stores its user defintion datatype.  For an example,
513               ** a column of type 'decimal NULL', its usertype = 26,
514               ** representing decimal whereas its type = 106 
515               ** representing decimaln. nullable in the select list
516               ** already tells user whether the column allows null.
517               ** In the case of user defining datatype, this makes
518               ** more sense for the user.
519               */
520               AND c.usertype = t.usertype
521               /*
522               ** We need a equality join with 
523               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info here so that
524               ** there is only one qualified row returned from 
525               ** sybsystemprocs.dbo.spt_jdatatype_info, thus avoiding
526               ** duplicates.
527               */
528               AND t.type = d.ss_dtype
529               AND o.type != 'P'
530               AND like @column_name ESCAPE '\'
531               AND (d.ss_dtype NOT IN (111, 109, 38, 110) /* No *N types */
532                   OR c.usertype >= 100) /* User defined types */
534       end
536       return (0)

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_ijdbc_columns', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_ijdbc_columns to public
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 188
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 189
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 300
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 301
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 413
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 415
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 505
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 528
 MINU 4 Unique Index with nullable columns sybsystemprocs..sysxtypes sybsystemprocs..sysxtypes
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 193
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 305
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 418
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 532
 TNOI 4 Table with no index sybsystemprocs..spt_jdatatype_info sybsystemprocs..spt_jdatatype_info
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_ijdbc_columns  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..spt_jdatatype_info  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..systypes  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sysxtypes  
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(290) 22
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 31
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check return value of exec 55
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after delete 77
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 87
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 311
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets in create proc 13
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 33
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 57
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 82
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 536
 QISO 3 Set isolation level 40
 QNAO 3 Not using ANSI Outer Join 165
 QNAO 3 Not using ANSI Outer Join 270
 QNAO 3 Not using ANSI Outer Join 389
 QNAO 3 Not using ANSI Outer Join 496
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column xtname should use alias x 99
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column xtname should use alias x 205
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column xtname should use alias x 323
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column xtname should use alias x 430
 QUNI 3 Check Use of 'union' vs 'union all' 89
 QUNI 3 Check Use of 'union' vs 'union all' 313
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 31% 13
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 8 = 9dec - 3exi + 2 13
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 102 13

reads table sybsystemprocs..spt_jdatatype_info  
calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_getmessage  
   calls proc sybsystemprocs..sp_validlang  
      reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   reads table master..syslanguages (1)  
   reads table sybsystemprocs..sysusermessages  
   reads table master..sysmessages (1)  
reads table sybsystemprocs..sysobjects  
reads table sybsystemprocs..sysxtypes  
reads table sybsystemprocs..syscolumns  
reads table sybsystemprocs..systypes  
writes table tempdb..#tmp_columns (1)