sybsystemprocssp_setpsexe  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/%M% %I% %G% */
4     /*
5     ** Messages for "sp_setpsexe"
6     ** 17260, "Can't run %1! from within a transaction."
7     ** 18249, "Name '%1!' is not valid."
8     ** 18262, "A non-SA user can not modify attributes of another task."
9     ** 18274, "A non-SA user can only lower its own priority value."
10    ** 18264, "No SQL Server process with the specified ID exists."
11    ** 18266, "'%1!' is not a valid execution attribute"
12    ** 18252, "'%1!' value '%2!' is not valid."
13    ** 18275, "Failed to set attribute '%1!' to '%2!' for spid '%3!'. Check
14    **	   server errorlog for any additional information."
15    ** 18367, "The specified thread pool does not exist."
16    */
18    create procedure sp_setpsexe
19        @spid int, /* id of SQL Server process */
20        @exeattr varchar(12), /* name of execution attribute */
21        @value varchar(30) /* value assigned to attribute */
22    as
24        declare @attrib_id int,
25            @user_id int,
26            @action int,
27            @my_suid int,
28            @object_type varchar(2),
29            @dummy int,
30            @curvalue varchar(30),
31            @oldvalue varchar(255),
32            @loc int,
33            @role int,
34            @upcase_str varchar(30),
35            @kernel_mode varchar(30)
37        select @kernel_mode = @@kernelmode
38        select @action = 1 /* add operation */
39        select @user_id = NULL /* Id of user from Syslogins table */
40        select @dummy = 0
41        select @oldvalue = NULL
43        /*
44        **  IF we're in a transaction, disallow this since it might make recovery
45        **  impossible.
46        */
47        IF @@trancount > 0
48        BEGIN
49            /*
50            ** 17260, "Can't run %1! from within a transaction."
51            */
52            raiserror 17260, "sp_setpsexe"
53            return (1)
54        END
55        ELSE
56        BEGIN
57            /* Use TSQL mode of unchained transactions */
58            set chained off
59        END
61        /* Dont do "Dirty Reads" */
62        set transaction isolation level 1
65        /* convert system defined values to upper case */
66        select @upcase_str = upper(@value)
67        IF ((@upcase_str = "HIGH") OR (@upcase_str = "MEDIUM") OR
68                (@upcase_str = "LOW") OR (@upcase_str = "ANYENGINE") OR
69                (@upcase_str = "LASTONLINE"))
70            select @value = @upcase_str
72        /* Find out if the caller has sa_role. Note that 'sa_role'
73        ** string may be embedded in a user defined role name and
74        ** users with these roles should be checked for permissions.
75        */
76        select @role = 1
77        select @loc = charindex("sa_role", show_role())
78        IF (@loc > 0)
79        BEGIN
80            IF (@loc != 1)
81            BEGIN
82                /* check for space just before 'sa_role' string */
83                IF (ascii(substring(show_role(), (@loc - 1), 8)) != 32)
84                    select @role = 0
85            END
87            /* check if role string ends in space */
88            IF ((@role = 1) AND
89                    (char_length(substring(show_role(), @loc,
90                                (char_length(show_role()) - (@loc - 1)))) != 7) AND
91                    (ascii(substring(show_role(), (@loc + 7), 1)) != 32))
93                select @role = 0
94        END
95        ELSE
96            select @role = 0
98        /* check that user has sa role or modifying self */
99        IF (@role = 0)
100       BEGIN
101           select @my_suid = (select suid from master..sysprocesses
102                   where spid = @spid)
103           select @curvalue = (select priority from master..sysprocesses
104                   where spid = @spid)
105           IF (@my_suid != suser_id())
106           BEGIN
107               /*
108               ** 18262, "A non-SA user can not modify attributes of another
109               **	  process."
110               */
111               raiserror 18262
112               return (1)
113           END
114           ELSE IF @exeattr != "priority"
115           BEGIN
116               /*
117               ** 18263, "A non-SA user can only modify its priority value"
118               */
119               raiserror 18263
120               return (1)
121           END
122           ELSE IF (@curvalue != "HIGH")
123           BEGIN
124               IF (((@curvalue = "MEDIUM") AND (@value = "HIGH")) OR
125                       ((@curvalue = "LOW") AND (@value = "HIGH")) OR
126                       ((@curvalue = "LOW") AND (@value = "MEDIUM")))
127               BEGIN
128                   /*
129                   ** 18274, "A non-SA user can only lower its priority 
130                   ** value"
131                   */
132                   raiserror 18274
133                   return (1)
134               END
135           END
136       END
137       ELSE
138       /* validate that this guy is really the sa */
139       IF (proc_role("sa_role") = 0)
140           return 1
142       /*
143       ** Check to see that the input params are correct
144       */
145       /* Check that process exists */
146       IF @spid not in (select spid from master..sysprocesses)
147       BEGIN
148           /*
149           ** 18264,"No SQL Server process with specified id exists."
150           */
151           raiserror 18264
152           return (1)
153       END
155       /* check that @exeattr value specified is valid */
156       IF ((@exeattr != 'priority')
157               AND (@exeattr != 'timeslice')
158               AND (((@kernel_mode = 'process') AND (@exeattr != 'enginegroup'))
159                   OR ((@kernel_mode = 'threaded') AND (@exeattr != 'threadpool'))))
160       BEGIN
161           /*
162           ** 18266, "'%1!' is not a valid execution attribute"
163           */
164           raiserror 18266, @exeattr
165           return (1)
166       END
168       /* check the priority value is correct */
169       IF (@exeattr = "priority")
170       BEGIN
171           IF ((@value != "HIGH") AND
172                   (@value != "MEDIUM") AND
173                   (@value != "LOW"))
174           BEGIN
175               /*
176               ** 18252, "'%1!' value '%2!' is not valid."
177               */
178               raiserror 18252, @exeattr, @value
179               return (1)
180           END
181       END
183       /* check that enginegroup value is ok if in process mode */
184       IF ((@kernel_mode = 'process') AND (@exeattr = "enginegroup") AND
185               (@value != "ANYENGINE") AND (@value != "LASTONLINE"))
186       BEGIN
187           IF not exists (select * from master..sysattributes where
188                       class = 6 AND
189                       attribute = 1 AND
190                       object_type = 'EG' AND
191                       object_cinfo = @value)
193           BEGIN
194               /*
195               ** 18252, "'%1!' value '%2!' is not valid."
196               */
197               raiserror 18252, @exeattr, @value
198               return (1)
199           END
200       END
201       /* For THREADED kernel mode, check for valid threadpool */
202       ELSE IF ((@kernel_mode != "process") AND (@exeattr = "threadpool"))
203       BEGIN
204           IF valid_name(@value, 30) = 0
205           BEGIN
206               /*
207               ** 18249, "Name '%1!' is not valid."
208               */
209               raiserror 18249, @value
210               return (1)
211           END
212           /*
213           **  Does the threadpool exist?
214           */
215           if not exists (select *
216                   from master.dbo.monThreadPool
217                   where ThreadPoolName = @value)
218           BEGIN
219               /* 18367, "The specified thread pool does not exist." */
220               raiserror 18367
221               return (1)
222           END
223       END
227       /*
228       ** Now hook up with Sysattributes Table...
229       */
231       select @attrib_id = 3
232       select @object_type = "PS"
233       BEGIN
234           select @oldvalue = (select char_value from master..sysattributes where
235                       class = 6 AND
236                       attribute = @attrib_id AND
237                       object_type = @object_type AND
238                       object_info1 = @spid AND
239                       object_cinfo = @exeattr)
240           IF (@oldvalue is not NULL)
241           BEGIN
242               update master..sysattributes
243               set char_value = @value
244               where class = 6 AND
245                   attribute = @attrib_id AND
246                   object_type = @object_type AND
247                   object_info1 = @spid AND
248                   object_cinfo = @exeattr
249           END
250           ELSE
251           BEGIN
252               insert master..sysattributes
253               (class, attribute, object_type, object_info1,
254                   object_cinfo, char_value)
255               values (6, @attrib_id, @object_type, @spid,
256                   @exeattr, @value)
257           END
259           IF attrib_notify(6, @attrib_id, @object_type, NULL, @spid,
260                   NULL, NULL, @exeattr, NULL, @value,
261                   NULL, NULL, "", @action) = 0
262           BEGIN
263               /*
264               ** 18275, "Failed to set attribute '%1!' to '%2!' for spid
265               **	   '%3!'. Check server errorlog for any additional
266               **	   information."
267               */
268               IF (@oldvalue is not NULL)
269                   update master..sysattributes
270                   set char_value = @oldvalue
271                   where class = 6 AND
272                       attribute = @attrib_id AND
273                       object_type = @object_type AND
274                       object_info1 = @spid AND
275                       object_cinfo = @exeattr
276               ELSE
277                   delete master..sysattributes
278                   where class = 6 AND
279                       attribute = @attrib_id AND
280                       object_type = @object_type AND
281                       object_info1 = @spid AND
282                       object_cinfo = @exeattr
284               raiserror 18275, @exeattr, @value, @spid
285               return (1)
286           END
287       END
289       return (0)

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_setpsexe', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_setpsexe to public
 MEST 4 Empty String will be replaced by Single Space 261
 MINU 4 Unique Index with nullable columns master..sysattributes master..sysattributes
 MTYP 4 Assignment type mismatch @kernel_mode: varchar(30) = int 37
 MTYP 4 Assignment type mismatch attribute: smallint = int 255
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 102
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 104
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 188
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 189
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 235
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 236
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 236
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 244
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 245
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 245
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 271
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 272
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 272
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 278
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: smallint vs int 279
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch smallint = int 279
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..monThreadPool master..monThreadPool
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..sysprocesses master..sysprocesses
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..monThreadPool  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysattributes  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..sysprocesses  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_setpsexe  
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 242
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after insert 252
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after update 269
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after delete 277
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 53
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 67
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 78
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 80
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 83
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 88
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 99
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 105
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 112
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 120
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 122
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 124
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 133
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 139
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 152
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 156
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 165
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 169
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 171
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 179
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 184
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 198
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 202
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 210
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 221
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Begin-End Pair 233
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 240
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 268
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 285
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 289
 MUOT 3 Updates outside transaction 277
 QAPT 3 Access to Proxy Table master..monThreadPool 216
 QISO 3 Set isolation level 62
 QIWC 3 Insert with not all columns specified missing 9 columns out of 15 253
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysattributes.csysattributes unique clustered
(class, attribute, object_type, object, object_info1, object_info2, object_info3, object_cinfo)
Intersection: {object_type, object_cinfo, attribute, class}
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysattributes.csysattributes unique clustered
(class, attribute, object_type, object, object_info1, object_info2, object_info3, object_cinfo)
Intersection: {object_info1, object_type, object_cinfo, attribute, class}
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysattributes.csysattributes unique clustered
(class, attribute, object_type, object, object_info1, object_info2, object_info3, object_cinfo)
Intersection: {object_info1, object_type, object_cinfo, attribute, class}
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysattributes.csysattributes unique clustered
(class, attribute, object_type, object, object_info1, object_info2, object_info3, object_cinfo)
Intersection: {object_info1, object_type, object_cinfo, attribute, class}
 QPRI 3 Join or Sarg with Rooted Partial Index Use SARG Candidate index: sysattributes.csysattributes unique clustered
(class, attribute, object_type, object, object_info1, object_info2, object_info3, object_cinfo)
Intersection: {object_info1, object_type, object_cinfo, attribute, class}
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @user_id 39
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @dummy 40
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 101
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 103
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 187
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 215
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 234
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 35% 18
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 42 = 53dec - 13exi + 2 18
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 156 18

read_writes table master..sysattributes (1)  
reads table master..monThreadPool (1)  
reads table master..sysprocesses (1)