sybsystemprocssp_sysmon_kernel_threaded  31 Aug 14Defects Dependencies

2     create procedure sp_sysmon_kernel_threaded
3         @NumMuxThreads tinyint, /* number of engine threads online */
4         @NumElapsedMs int, /* for "per Elapsed second" calculations */
5         @NumXacts int, /* for per transactions calculations */
6         @Reco char(1), /* Flag for recommendations */
7         @instid smallint = NULL /* optional SDC instance id */
8     as
10        /* --------- declare local variables --------- */
11        declare @EngineId int, /* Engine Id corresponding to thread */
12            @ThreadId int, /* Thread ID*/
13            @TpId int, /* Thread Pool ID */
14            @TpName varchar(80), /* ThreadPool Name */
15            @tmp_grp varchar(25), /* temp var to build group_names
16            ** ie. engine_N, disk_N */
18            @tmp_int int, /* temp var for integer storage */
19            @tmp_int2 int, /* temp var for integer storage */
20            @tmp_tot int, /* temp var for summing 'total #s' data */
21            @tmp_total bigint, /* temp var for summing 'total #s' data */
22            @tmp_server int, /* temp var for storing server summary */
23            @cpu_busy real, /* var for cpu busy percentage */
24            @cpu_busy_sum real, /* var for summing cpu busy percentage */
25            @cpu_busy_avg real, /* var for averaging cpu busy percentage */
26            @cpu_busy_server real, /* Total cpu busy of server */
27            @cpu_server_avg real, /* var for averaging server cpu percentage */
28            @idle real, /* var for tracking idle value */
29            @thr_count int, /* number of threads within in a pool */
31            @user_busy real, /* user time percentage */
32            @user_busy_sum real, /* user time percentage, summed */
33            @user_busy_avg real, /* user time percentage, average */
34            @user_busy_server real, /* user time for all threads */
35            @system_busy real, /* system time percentage */
36            @system_busy_sum real, /* system time percentage, summed */
37            @system_busy_avg real, /* system time percentage, average */
38            @system_busy_server real, /* system time for all threads */
40            @tmp_bigint1 bigint,
41            @tmp_bigint2 bigint,
42            @tmp_real1 real,
43            @tmp_real2 real,
44            @tmp_real3 real,
45            @real_tot real,
47            @TaskName varchar(30), /* Task thread is running */
49            /* useful variables for printing */
50            @sum1line char(80), /* string to delimit total lines without 
51            ** percent calc on printout */
52            @sum2line char(80), /* string to delimit total lines with percent 
53            ** calc on printout */
54            @blankline char(1), /* to print blank line */
55            @psign char(3), /* hold a percent sign (%) for print out */
56            @na_str char(3), /* holds 'n/a' for 'not applicable' strings */
57            @rptline char(80), /* formatted statistics line for print 
58            ** statement */
59            @wideline char(84), /* special print line when lots of % are used.
60            ** make sure you don't line wrap */
61            @section char(80), /* string to delimit sections on printout */
62            @summary_line char(80)
64        /* --------- Setup Environment --------- */
65        set nocount on /* disable row counts being sent to client */
67        select @sum1line = "  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ----------"
68        select @sum2line = "  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------"
69        select @blankline = " "
70        select @psign = " %%" /* extra % symbol because '%' is escape char in print statement */
71        select @na_str = "n/a"
72        select @section = "==============================================================================="
75        /* ======================= Kernel Utilization Section =================== */
76        print @section
77        print @blankline
78        print "Kernel Utilization"
79        print "------------------"
80        print @blankline
82        select @cpu_busy_sum = 0, @cpu_busy_avg = 0,
83            @cpu_busy_server = 0, @cpu_server_avg = 0,
84            @user_busy_sum = 0, @user_busy_avg = 0,
85            @system_busy_sum = 0, @system_busy_avg = 0,
86            @user_busy_server = 0, @system_busy_server = 0,
87            @thr_count = 0, @tmp_tot = 0,
88            @tmp_server = 0
90        select ThreadPoolID, ThreadPoolName, Size, Type
91        into #tmpThreadPool
92        from master.dbo.monThreadPool order by ThreadPoolName
94        select StatisticID, l.EngineNumber, Avg_1min, Avg_5min,
95            Avg_15min, ThreadPoolID
96        into #tmpLoad
97        from master.dbo.monSysLoad l,
98            master.dbo.monEngine e,
99            master.dbo.monThread t
100       where l.StatisticID in (4, 5)
101           and l.EngineNumber = e.EngineNumber
102           and e.ThreadID = t.ThreadID
104       /* Common Cursors */
105       declare tpcursor cursor for
106       select ThreadPoolID, ThreadPoolName, Size
107       from #tmpThreadPool
108       order by ThreadPoolName
110       declare epcursor cursor for
111       select ThreadPoolID, ThreadPoolName, Size
112       from #tmpThreadPool
113       where Type = "Engine (Multiplexed)"
114       order by ThreadPoolName
116       declare engcursor cursor for
117       select engineid, enginename
118       from #muxthreadsinfo
119       where tpname = @TpName
120       order by engineid
122       /*************************************************
123       **		Engine Utilization		**
124       *************************************************/
126       print @blankline
127       print "  Engine Utilization (Tick %%)   User Busy   System Busy    I/O Busy        Idle"
128       print @sum1line
130       /* build a temp table that has the usage info for each engine */
131       select isnull(100.0 * convert(real, u.value) / t.value, 0) "UserBusy",
132           isnull(100.0 * convert(real, s.value) / t.value, 0) "SystemBusy",
133           isnull(100.0 * convert(real, io.value) / t.value, 0) "IOBusy",
134           isnull(100.0 * convert(real, i.value) / t.value, 0) "Idle",
135           t.group_name
136       into #tmpEngUtilization
137       from #tempmonitors u, #tempmonitors s,
138           #tempmonitors io, #tempmonitors i,
139           #tempmonitors t
140       where u.group_name = t.group_name
141           and s.group_name = t.group_name
142           and io.group_name = t.group_name
143           and i.group_name = t.group_name
144           and u.field_name = "user_ticks"
145           and s.field_name = "system_ticks"
146           and io.field_name = "io_ticks"
147           and i.field_name = "idle_ticks"
148           and t.field_name = "clock_ticks"
149           and t.value > 0
151       open epcursor
152       fetch epcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
153       while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
154       begin
155           select @rptline = "  ThreadPool : " + @TpName
156           print @rptline
158           open engcursor
159           fetch engcursor into @EngineId, @tmp_grp
160           while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
161           begin
162               select @wideline = "   Engine " + convert(char(4), @EngineId)
163                   + space(20)
164                   + str(UserBusy, 5, 1) + @psign + space(7)
165                   + str(SystemBusy, 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
166                   + str(IOBusy, 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
167                   + str(Idle, 5, 1) + @psign
168               from #tmpEngUtilization
169               where group_name = @tmp_grp
170               print @wideline
172               fetch engcursor into @EngineId, @tmp_grp
173           end
174           close engcursor
176           /* Print the Average and Summary of each threadpool */
177           if @thr_count > 1
178           begin
179               print @sum1line
180               select @wideline = "  Pool Summary " + space(7) + "Total"
181                   + space(5)
182                   + str(sum(UserBusy), 7, 1) + @psign + space(5)
183                   + str(sum(SystemBusy), 7, 1) + @psign + space(3)
184                   + str(sum(IOBusy), 7, 1) + @psign + space(3)
185                   + str(sum(Idle), 7, 1) + @psign
186               from #tmpEngUtilization
187               where group_name in
188                       (select enginename from #muxthreadsinfo
189                       where tpname = @TpName)
190               print @wideline
191               select @wideline = space(20) + "Average"
192                   + space(7)
193                   + str(avg(UserBusy), 5, 1) + @psign + space(7)
194                   + str(avg(SystemBusy), 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
195                   + str(avg(IOBusy), 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
196                   + str(avg(Idle), 5, 1) + @psign
197               from #tmpEngUtilization
198               where group_name in
199                       (select enginename from #muxthreadsinfo
200                       where tpname = @TpName)
201               print @wideline
202           end
203           print @blankline
205           fetch epcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
206       end /* loop of pools */
207       close epcursor
210       /* Print the Server Summary */
211       if @NumMuxThreads > 1
212       begin
213           print @sum1line
214           select @wideline = "  Server Summary " + space(5)
215               + "Total" + space(5)
216               + str(sum(UserBusy), 7, 1) + @psign + space(5)
217               + str(sum(SystemBusy), 7, 1) + @psign + space(3)
218               + str(sum(IOBusy), 7, 1) + @psign + space(3)
219               + str(sum(Idle), 7, 1) + @psign
220           from #tmpEngUtilization
221           print @wideline
222           select @wideline = space(20) + "Average" + space(7)
223               + str(avg(UserBusy), 5, 1) + @psign + space(7)
224               + str(avg(SystemBusy), 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
225               + str(avg(IOBusy), 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
226               + str(avg(Idle), 5, 1) + @psign
227           from #tmpEngUtilization
228           print @wideline
229       end /* Server Summary */
230       print @blankline
233       /*************************************************
234       **		Run Queue Length		**
235       *************************************************/
237       print @blankline
238       print "  Average Runnable Tasks            1 min         5 min      15 min  %% of total"
239       print @sum1line
241       declare loadcursor cursor for
242       select EngineNumber, StatisticID, Avg_1min, Avg_5min, Avg_15min
243       from #tmpLoad
244       where ThreadPoolID = @TpId
245       order by StatisticID desc,
246           EngineNumber
248       open epcursor
249       fetch epcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
250       while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
251       begin
252           select @real_tot = sum(Avg_1min) from
253               #tmpLoad where ThreadPoolID = @TpId
255           select @rptline = "  ThreadPool : " + @TpName
256           print @rptline
258           open loadcursor
259           fetch loadcursor into @EngineId, @tmp_int, @tmp_real1,
260               @tmp_real2, @tmp_real3
261           while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
262           begin
263               select @rptline = (case when @tmp_int = 4
264                       then "   Engine "
265                       + convert(char(4), @EngineId)
266                       + space(22)
267                       else "   Global Queue" + space(21)
268                   end)
269                   + str(@tmp_real1, 5, 1) + space(9)
270                   + str(@tmp_real2, 5, 1) + space(7)
271                   + str(@tmp_real3, 5, 1) + space(5)
272                   + (case when @real_tot = 0
273                       then str(0, 5, 1)
274                       else str(100.0 * @tmp_real1 / @real_tot, 5, 1)
275                   end)
276                   + @psign
277               print @rptline
279               fetch loadcursor into @EngineId, @tmp_int, @tmp_real1,
280                   @tmp_real2, @tmp_real3
281           end
282           close loadcursor
284           if (@thr_count > 1)
285           begin
286               select @summary_line = "  Pool Summary" + space(8)
287                   + "Total" + space(7)
288                   + str(sum(Avg_1min), 7, 1) + space(7)
289                   + str(sum(Avg_5min), 7, 1) + space(5)
290                   + str(sum(Avg_15min), 7, 1)
291               from #tmpLoad where ThreadPoolID = @TpId
292               print @sum2line
293               print @summary_line
294               select @summary_line = space(20)
295                   + "Average" + space(7)
296                   + str(avg(Avg_1min), 7, 1) + space(7)
297                   + str(avg(Avg_5min), 7, 1) + space(5)
298                   + str(avg(Avg_15min), 7, 1)
299               from #tmpLoad where ThreadPoolID = @TpId
300               print @summary_line
301           end
303           print @blankline
305           fetch epcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
306       end /* loop of pools */
308       print @sum2line
309       select @summary_line = "  Server Summary" + space(6)
310           + "Total" + space(7)
311           + str(sum(Avg_1min), 7, 1) + space(7)
312           + str(sum(Avg_5min), 7, 1) + space(5)
313           + str(sum(Avg_15min), 7, 1)
314       from #tmpLoad
315       print @summary_line
316       select @summary_line = space(20)
317           + "Average" + space(7)
318           + str(avg(Avg_1min), 7, 1) + space(7)
319           + str(avg(Avg_5min), 7, 1) + space(5)
320           + str(avg(Avg_15min), 7, 1)
321       from #tmpLoad
322       print @summary_line
323       print @blankline
325       close epcursor
326       deallocate loadcursor
329       /*************************************************
330       **		Engine Sleeps			**
331       *************************************************/
333       print @blankline
334       print "  CPU Yields by Engine            per sec      per xact       count  %% of total"
335       print @sum1line
337       select @tmp_total = SUM(value)
338       from #tempmonitors
339       where group_name like "engine_%" and
340           field_name = "engine_sleeps"
342       if @tmp_total = 0 /* Avoid divide by zero errors - just print zero's */
343       begin
344           select @rptline = "  Total CPU Yields                    0.0           0.0           0       n/a"
345           print @rptline
346       end
347       else
348       begin
349           open epcursor
350           fetch epcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
351           while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
352           begin
353               select @rptline = "  ThreadPool : " + @TpName
354               print @rptline
356               select @tmp_tot = SUM(value) from #tempmonitors where group_name in
357                       (select enginename from #muxthreadsinfo where
358                           tpname = @TpName) and field_name = "engine_sleeps"
360               open engcursor
361               fetch engcursor into @EngineId, @tmp_grp
362               while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
363               begin
364                   select @tmp_int = value from #tempmonitors
365                   where group_name = @tmp_grp and
366                       field_name = "engine_sleeps"
368                   select @tmp_int2 = value from #tempmonitors
369                   where group_name = @tmp_grp and
370                       field_name = "engine_sleep_interrupted"
372                   /* 
373                   ** Make tmp_int the number of full sleeps.  Due to 
374                   ** timing issues collecting the monitor counters we may
375                   ** end up with more interrupted sleeps than total 
376                   ** sleeps.  If this is the case we just consider full
377                   ** sleeps to be zero.
378                   */
379                   select @tmp_int =
380                       case when @tmp_int > @tmp_int2
381                           then @tmp_int - @tmp_int2
382                           else 0
383                       end
385                   if @tmp_tot != 0
386                   begin
387                       select @rptline = "   Engine " + convert(char(4), @EngineId)
388                       print @rptline
390                       select @rptline = "      Full Sleeps"
391                           + space(12)
392                           + str(@tmp_int / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
393                           + space(2) +
394                           str(@tmp_int / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
395                           + space(2) +
396                           str(@tmp_int, 10) + space(5) +
397                           str(100.0 * @tmp_int / @tmp_tot, 5, 1)
398                           + @psign
399                       print @rptline
401                       select @rptline = "      Interrupted Sleeps"
402                           + space(5)
403                           + str(@tmp_int2 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
404                           + space(2) +
405                           str(@tmp_int2 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
406                           + space(2) +
407                           str(@tmp_int2, 10) + space(5) +
408                           str(100.0 * @tmp_int2 / @tmp_tot, 5, 1)
409                           + @psign
410                       print @rptline
411                   end
412                   else
413                   begin
414                       select @rptline = "   Engine " + convert(char(4), @EngineId) +
415                           space(24) +
416                           "0.0           0.0           0       n/a"
417                       print @rptline
418                   end
420                   fetch engcursor into @EngineId, @tmp_grp
421               end
422               close engcursor
424               /* Print the Pool Average */
425               if @thr_count > 1
426               begin
427                   print @sum2line
428                   select @rptline = "  Pool Summary " + space(14) +
429                       str(@tmp_tot / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
430                       + space(2) +
431                       str(@tmp_tot / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
432                       + space(2) +
433                       str(@tmp_tot, 10)
434                   print @rptline
435               end
437               print @blankline
439               fetch epcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
440           end /* loop of pools */
442           close epcursor
444           /* Print the Server Summary */
445           if @NumMuxThreads > 1
446           begin
447               print @sum2line
448               select @rptline = "  Total CPU Yields " + space(10) +
449                   str(@tmp_total / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
450                   + space(2) +
451                   str(@tmp_total / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
452                   + space(2) +
453                   str(@tmp_total, 10)
454               print @rptline
455           end
457       end
458       print @blankline
461       /*************************************************
462       **		Thread Utilization		**
463       *************************************************/
464       set @tmp_tot = 0
466       print @blankline
467       print "  Thread Utilization (OS %%)     User Busy   System Busy        Idle"
468       print @sum2line
471       declare threadcursor cursor for
472       select ThreadID, UserTime, SystemTime, TaskName
473       from tempdb.dbo.tempThreadStats
474       where ThreadPoolID = @TpId
475       order by ThreadID
477       open tpcursor
478       fetch tpcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
479       while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
480       begin
481           /* use @tmp_int to track the number of thread rows printed in a pool */
482           select @tmp_int = 0
484           open threadcursor
485           fetch threadcursor into @ThreadId, @tmp_bigint1, @tmp_bigint2, @TaskName
486           while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
487           begin
488               select @user_busy = 100.0 * @tmp_bigint1 / @NumElapsedMs
489               select @user_busy_sum = @user_busy_sum + @user_busy
490               select @system_busy = 100.0 * @tmp_bigint2 / @NumElapsedMs
491               select @system_busy_sum = @system_busy_sum + @system_busy
492               select @idle = 100 - (@user_busy + @system_busy)
494               if (@TaskName like "Engine%" or
495                       @tmp_bigint1 > 0 or
496                       @tmp_bigint2 > 0)
497               begin
499                   if (@tmp_int = 0)
500                   begin
501                       /* print the hadter the first time through */
502                       select @rptline = "  ThreadPool : " + @TpName
503                       print @rptline
504                   end
506                   select @rptline = "   Thread " + convert(char(4), @ThreadId)
507                       + convert(char(18), (" (" + @TaskName + ")"))
508                       + space(2)
509                       + str(@user_busy, 5, 1) + @psign + space(7)
510                       + str(@system_busy, 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
511                       + (case when @idle < 0
512                           then str(0, 5, 1)
513                           else str(@idle, 5, 1)
514                       end)
515                       + @psign
516                   print @rptline
517                   select @tmp_int = @tmp_int + 1
518               end
520               fetch threadcursor into @ThreadId, @tmp_bigint1,
521                   @tmp_bigint2, @TaskName
522           end /* loop of threads */
523           close threadcursor
525           set @user_busy_server = @user_busy_server + @user_busy_sum
526           set @system_busy_server = @system_busy_server + @system_busy_sum
527           set @tmp_tot = @tmp_tot + @thr_count
529           if @tmp_int = 0
530           begin
531               select @rptline = "  ThreadPool : " + @TpName + " : no activity during sample"
532               print @rptline
533           end
534           else
535           if @thr_count > 1
536           begin
537               select @idle = @thr_count * 100 - (@user_busy_sum + @system_busy_sum)
538               select @summary_line = "  Pool Summary" + space(6)
539                   + "Total" + space(7)
540                   + str(@user_busy_sum, 7, 1) + @psign + space(5)
541                   + str(@system_busy_sum, 7, 1) + @psign + space(3)
542                   + (case when @idle < 0
543                       then str(0, 7, 1)
544                       else str(@idle, 7, 1)
545                   end)
546                   + @psign,
547                   @user_busy_avg = @user_busy_sum / @thr_count,
548                   @system_busy_avg = @system_busy_sum / @thr_count
549               select @idle = 100 - (@user_busy_avg + @system_busy_avg)
550               select @rptline = space(18) + "Average" + space(9)
551                   + str(@user_busy_avg, 5, 1) + @psign + space(7)
552                   + str(@system_busy_avg, 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
553                   + (case when @idle < 0
554                       then str(0, 5, 1)
555                       else str(@idle, 5, 1)
556                   end)
557                   + @psign
558               print @sum2line
559               print @summary_line
560               print @rptline
561           end
562           print @blankline
564           /* reset the counters */
565           select @user_busy_sum = 0, @user_busy_avg = 0,
566               @system_busy_sum = 0, @system_busy_avg = 0
568           fetch tpcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
569       end /* loop of pools */
571       select @idle = @tmp_tot * 100 - (@user_busy_server + @system_busy_server)
572       select @summary_line = "  Server Summary " + space(3) + "Total" + space(7)
573           + str(@user_busy_server, 7, 1) + @psign + space(5)
574           + str(@system_busy_server, 7, 1) + @psign + space(3)
575           + (case when @idle < 0
576               then str(0, 7, 1)
577               else str(@idle, 7, 1)
578           end)
579           + @psign,
580           @user_busy_avg = @user_busy_server / @tmp_tot,
581           @system_busy_avg = @system_busy_server / @tmp_tot
582       select @idle = 100 - (@user_busy_avg + @system_busy_avg)
583       select @rptline = space(18) + "Average" + space(9)
584           + str(@user_busy_avg, 5, 1) + @psign + space(7)
585           + str(@system_busy_avg, 5, 1) + @psign + space(5)
586           + (case when @idle < 0
587               then str(0, 5, 1)
588               else str(@idle, 5, 1)
589           end)
590           + @psign
591       print @sum2line
592       print @summary_line
593       print @rptline
595       print @blankline
596       select @real_tot = (sum(UserTime) + sum(SystemTime)) / (1.0 * @NumElapsedMs)
597       from tempdb.dbo.tempThreadStats
598       select @rptline = "  Adaptive Server threads are consuming "
599           + ltrim(str(@real_tot, 5, 1))
600           + " CPU units."
601       print @rptline
602       select @tmp_real1 = @NumXacts * 1000.0 / @NumElapsedMs
604       if (@real_tot != 0)
605       begin
606           select @rptline = "  Throughput (committed xacts per CPU unit) : "
607               + ltrim(str(@tmp_real1 / @real_tot, 12, 1))
608       end
609       else
610       begin
611           select @rptline = "  Throughput (committed xacts per CPU unit) : n/a "
612       end
613       print @rptline
614       print @blankline
616       close tpcursor
617       deallocate threadcursor
619       /*************************************************
620       **	Page Faults and Context Switches	**
621       *************************************************/
623       select @tmp_bigint1 = sum(MinorFaults),
624           @tmp_bigint2 = sum(MajorFaults)
625       from tempdb.dbo.tempThreadStats
626       set @tmp_total = @tmp_bigint1 + @tmp_bigint2
628       if (@tmp_total > 0)
629       begin
630           print @blankline
631           print "  Page Faults at OS               per sec      per xact       count  %% of total"
632           print @sum1line
634           select @rptline = "   Minor Faults"
635               + space(14)
636               + str(@tmp_bigint1 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
637               + space(2)
638               + str(@tmp_bigint1 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
639               + space(2)
640               + str(@tmp_bigint1, 10) + space(5)
641               + str(100.0 * @tmp_bigint1 / @tmp_total, 5, 1) + @psign
642           print @rptline
644           select @rptline = "   Major Faults"
645               + space(14)
646               + str(@tmp_bigint2 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
647               + space(2)
648               + str(@tmp_bigint2 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
649               + space(2)
650               + str(@tmp_bigint2, 10) + space(5)
651               + str(100.0 * @tmp_bigint2 / @tmp_total, 5, 1) + @psign
652           print @rptline
654           print @sum1line
655           select @rptline = "   Total Page Faults"
656               + space(9)
657               + str(@tmp_total / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
658               + space(2)
659               + str(@tmp_total / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
660               + space(2)
661               + str(@tmp_total, 10)
662               + space(5) + "100.0" + @psign
663           print @rptline
665           print @blankline
666       end
668       select @tmp_total = sum(VoluntaryCtxtSwitches) + sum(NonVoluntaryCtxtSwitches)
669       from tempdb.dbo.tempThreadStats
671       if (@tmp_total > 0)
672       begin
673           print @blankline
674           print "  Context Switches at OS          per sec      per xact       count  %% of total"
675           print @sum1line
677           open tpcursor
678           fetch tpcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
679           while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
680           begin
681               select @tmp_bigint1 = sum(VoluntaryCtxtSwitches),
682                   @tmp_bigint2 = sum(NonVoluntaryCtxtSwitches)
683               from tempdb.dbo.tempThreadStats
684               where ThreadPoolID = @TpId
686               select @rptline = "  ThreadPool : " + @TpName
687               print @rptline
689               select @rptline = "   Voluntary"
690                   + space(17)
691                   + str(@tmp_bigint1 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
692                   + space(2)
693                   + str(@tmp_bigint1 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
694                   + space(2)
695                   + str(@tmp_bigint1, 10) + space(5)
696                   + str(100.0 * @tmp_bigint1 / @tmp_total, 5, 1) + @psign
697               print @rptline
699               select @rptline = "   Non-Voluntary"
700                   + space(13)
701                   + str(@tmp_bigint2 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
702                   + space(2)
703                   + str(@tmp_bigint2 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
704                   + space(2)
705                   + str(@tmp_bigint2, 10) + space(5)
706                   + str(100.0 * @tmp_bigint2 / @tmp_total, 5, 1) + @psign
707               print @rptline
709               fetch tpcursor into @TpId, @TpName, @thr_count
710           end
711           close tpcursor
713           print @sum1line
714           select @rptline = "   Total Context Switches"
715               + space(4)
716               + str(@tmp_total / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
717               + space(2)
718               + str(@tmp_total / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
719               + space(2)
720               + str(@tmp_total, 10)
721               + space(5) + "100.0" + @psign
722           print @rptline
724           print @blankline
725       end
728       /*************************************************
729       **		IO Controllers			**
730       *************************************************/
731       declare iocursor cursor for
732       select distinct Type from tempdb.dbo.tempIOCStats
733       order by Type
735       open iocursor
736       fetch iocursor into @TaskName
737       while (@@sqlstatus = 0)
738       begin
739           select @rptline = space(2) + convert(char(32), @TaskName + " Activity")
740               + "per sec      per xact       count  %% of total"
741           print @blankline
742           print @rptline
743           print @sum1line
745           select @tmp_total = sum(BlockingPolls) + sum(NonBlockingPolls),
746               @tmp_bigint1 = sum(EventPolls),
747               @tmp_bigint2 = sum(FullPolls)
748           from tempdb.dbo.tempIOCStats
749           where Type = @TaskName
751           if @tmp_total = 0
752           begin
753               select @rptline = "   Polls"
754                   + space(29) + "0.0"
755                   + space(11) + "0.0"
756                   + space(11) + "0"
757                   + space(7) + "0.0" + @psign
758               print @rptline
760               fetch iocursor into @TaskName
761               continue
762           end
764           select @rptline = "   Polls"
765               + space(21)
766               + str(@tmp_total / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
767               + space(2)
768               + str(@tmp_total / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
769               + space(2)
770               + str(@tmp_total, 10) + space(7) + @na_str
771           print @rptline
773           if @tmp_bigint1 = 0
774           begin
775               select @rptline = "   Polls Returning Events"
776                   + space(13) + "0.0"
777                   + space(11) + "0.0"
778                   + space(11) + "0"
779                   + space(7) + "0.0" + @psign
780               print @rptline
782               fetch iocursor into @TaskName
783               continue
784           end
786           select @rptline = "   Polls Returning Events"
787               + space(4)
788               + str(@tmp_bigint1 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
789               + space(2)
790               + str(@tmp_bigint1 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
791               + space(2)
792               + str(@tmp_bigint1, 10) + space(5)
793               + str(100.0 * @tmp_bigint1 / @tmp_total, 5, 1) + @psign
794           print @rptline
796           select @rptline = "   Polls Returning Max Events"
797               + str(@tmp_bigint2 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
798               + space(2)
799               + str(@tmp_bigint2 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
800               + space(2)
801               + str(@tmp_bigint2, 10) + space(5)
802               + str(100.0 * @tmp_bigint2 / @tmp_total, 5, 1) + @psign
803           print @rptline
806           select @tmp_bigint1 = sum(Events)
807           from tempdb.dbo.tempIOCStats
808           where Type = @TaskName
810           select @rptline = "   Total Events"
811               + space(14)
812               + str(@tmp_bigint1 / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
813               + space(2)
814               + str(@tmp_bigint1 / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
815               + space(2)
816               + str(@tmp_bigint1, 10)
817               + space(7) + @na_str
818           print @rptline
820           select @rptline = "   Events Per Poll"
821               + space(20)
822               + @na_str + space(11)
823               + @na_str + space(5)
824               + str((convert(real, sum(Events)) / @tmp_total), 7, 3)
825               + space(7) + @na_str
826           from tempdb.dbo.tempIOCStats
827           where Type = @TaskName
828           print @rptline
830           fetch iocursor into @TaskName
831       end
832       print @blankline
833       close iocursor
834       deallocate iocursor
836       /*************************************************
837       **		Blocking Calls			**
838       *************************************************/
839       print @blankline
840       print "  Blocking Call Activity          per sec      per xact       count  %% of total"
841       print @sum1line
843       select @tmp_tot = TotalRequests,
844           @tmp_int = QueuedRequests,
845           @tmp_int2 = WaitTime
846       from tempdb.dbo.tempWorkQueue
847       where Name = "syb_blocking_pool"
849       if @tmp_tot = 0
850       begin
851           select @rptline = "  Total Requests                      0.0           0.0           0       n/a"
852           print @rptline
853       end
854       else
855       begin
856           select @rptline = "   Serviced Requests"
857               + space(9)
858               + str((@tmp_tot - @tmp_int) / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
859               + space(2) +
860               str((@tmp_tot - @tmp_int) / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
861               + space(2) +
862               str((@tmp_tot - @tmp_int), 10) + space(5) +
863               str(100.0 * (@tmp_tot - @tmp_int) / @tmp_tot, 5, 1)
864               + @psign
865           print @rptline
867           select @rptline = "   Queued Requests"
868               + space(11)
869               + str(@tmp_int / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
870               + space(2) +
871               str(@tmp_int / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
872               + space(2) +
873               str(@tmp_int, 10) + space(5) +
874               str(100.0 * @tmp_int / @tmp_tot, 5, 1)
875               + @psign
876           print @rptline
878           print @sum2line
880           select @rptline = "  Total Requests"
881               + space(13) +
882               str(@tmp_tot / (@NumElapsedMs / 1000.0), 12, 1)
883               + space(2) +
884               str(@tmp_tot / convert(real, @NumXacts), 12, 1)
885               + space(2) +
886               str(@tmp_tot, 10)
887           print @rptline
889           select @rptline = "  Total Wait Time (ms)"
890               + space(16)
891               + @na_str + space(11)
892               + @na_str + space(2)
893               + str(@tmp_int2, 10)
894           print @rptline
895       end
896       print @blankline
898       /* cleanup common cursors */
899       deallocate tpcursor
900       deallocate engcursor
901       deallocate epcursor
903       return 0

exec sp_procxmode 'sp_sysmon_kernel_threaded', 'AnyMode'

Grant Execute on sp_sysmon_kernel_threaded to public
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempThreadStats 473
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempThreadStats 597
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempThreadStats 625
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempThreadStats 669
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempThreadStats 683
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempIOCStats 732
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempIOCStats 748
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempIOCStats 807
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempIOCStats 826
 PERR 6 Parsing Error Could not find definition for table tempdb..tempWorkQueue 846
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 101
 QJWI 5 Join or Sarg Without Index 102
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempThreadStats 473
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempThreadStats 597
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempThreadStats 625
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempThreadStats 669
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempThreadStats 683
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempIOCStats 732
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempIOCStats 748
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempIOCStats 807
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempIOCStats 826
 MULT 4 Using literal database 'tempdb' tempdb..tempWorkQueue 846
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: other vs int 474
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: other vs int 684
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: other vs varchar(30) 749
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: other vs varchar(30) 808
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: other vs varchar(30) 827
 QTYP 4 Comparison type mismatch Comparison type mismatch: other vs varchar(17) 847
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..monEngine master..monEngine
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..monSysLoad master..monSysLoad
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..monThread master..monThread
 TNOI 4 Table with no index master..monThreadPool master..monThreadPool
 VRUN 4 Variable is read and not initialized @TpName 119
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause epcursor 111
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause engcursor 117
 CUNU 3 Cursor not updated: cursor should contain 'for read only' clause loadcursor 242
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..monEngine  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..monSysLoad  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..monThread  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public master..monThreadPool  
 MGTP 3 Grant to public sybsystemprocs..sp_sysmon_kernel_threaded  
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(80) 50
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(80) 52
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(80) 57
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(84) 59
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(80) 61
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(80) 62
 MLCH 3 Char type with length>30 char(32) 739
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 90
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 94
 MNER 3 No Error Check should check @@error after select into 131
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 153
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 160
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 250
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 261
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 263
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 272
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 284
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 351
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 362
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 479
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 486
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 494
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 499
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 511
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 542
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 553
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 575
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 586
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 604
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 628
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 671
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 679
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 737
 MUCO 3 Useless Code Useless Brackets 824
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempThreadStats 473
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempThreadStats 597
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempThreadStats 625
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempThreadStats 669
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempThreadStats 683
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempIOCStats 732
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempIOCStats 748
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempIOCStats 807
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempIOCStats 826
 MZMB 3 Zombie: use of non-existent object tempdb..tempWorkQueue 846
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 162
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 364
 QAFM 3 Var Assignment from potentially many rows 368
 QAPT 3 Access to Proxy Table master..monThreadPool 92
 QAPT 3 Access to Proxy Table master..monSysLoad 97
 QAPT 3 Access to Proxy Table master..monEngine 98
 QAPT 3 Access to Proxy Table master..monThread 99
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 140
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 141
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 142
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 143
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 187
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 198
 QJWT 3 Join or Sarg Without Index on temp table 356
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 97
 QNAJ 3 Not using ANSI Inner Join 137
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column Avg_1min should use alias l 94
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column Avg_5min should use alias l 94
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column StatisticID should use alias l 94
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column Avg_15min should use alias l 95
 QNUA 3 Should use Alias: Column ThreadPoolID should use alias t 95
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @cpu_busy_avg 82
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @cpu_busy_sum 82
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @cpu_busy_server 83
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @cpu_server_avg 83
 VNRD 3 Variable is not read @tmp_server 88
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @Reco 6
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @instid 7
 VUNU 3 Variable is not used @cpu_busy 23
 CRDO 2 Read Only Cursor Marker (has an 'order by' clause) 106
 CRDO 2 Read Only Cursor Marker (has an 'order by' clause) 111
 CRDO 2 Read Only Cursor Marker (has an 'order by' clause) 117
 CRDO 2 Read Only Cursor Marker (has an 'order by' clause) 242
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 188
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 199
 MSUB 2 Subquery Marker 357
 MTR1 2 Metrics: Comments Ratio Comments: 13% 2
 MTR2 2 Metrics: Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclo: 45 = 44dec - 1exi + 2 2
 MTR3 2 Metrics: Query Complexity Complexity: 398 2
 PRED_QUERY_COLLECTION 2 {me=master..monEngine, msl=master..monSysLoad, mt=master..monThread} 0 94

reads table master..monSysLoad (1)  
read_writes table tempdb..#tmpThreadPool (1) 
reads table master..monEngine (1)  
read_writes table tempdb..#tmpEngUtilization (1) 
read_writes table tempdb..#tmpLoad (1) 
reads table tempdb..#muxthreadsinfo (1) 
reads table master..monThread (1)  
reads table tempdb..#tempmonitors (1) 
reads table master..monThreadPool (1)  

called by proc sybsystemprocs..sp_sysmon_analyze  
   called by proc sybsystemprocs..sp_sysmon